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are used universally

  • 1 повсеместно использоваться

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > повсеместно использоваться

  • 2 लोकः _lōkḥ

    लोकः [लोक्यते$सौ लोक्-घञ्]
    1 The world, a division of the universe; (roughly speaking there are three lokas स्वर्ग, पृथ्वी and पाताल, but according to fuller classifica- tion the lokas are fourteen, seven higher regions rising from the earth one above the other, i. e. भूर्लोक, भुवर्लोक, स्वर्लोक, महर्लोक, जनर्लोक, तपर्लोक, and सत्यलोक or ब्रह्मलोक; and seven lower regions, descending from the earth one below the other; i. e. अतल, वितल, सुतल, रसातल, तलातल, महातल, and पाताल).
    -2 The earth, terrestrial world (भूलोक); इह- लोके in this world (opp. परत्र).
    -3 The human race, mankind, men, as in लोकातिग, लोकोत्तर &c. q. v.
    -4 The people or subjects (opp. the king); स्वसुखनिरभिलाषः खिद्यसे लोकहेतोः Ś.5.7; R.4.8.
    -5 A collection, group, class, com- pany; आकृष्टलीलान् नरलोकपालान् R.6.1; or शशाम तेन क्षितिपाल- लोकः 7.3.
    -6 A region, tract, district, province.
    -7 Common life, ordinary practice (of the world); लोकवत्तु लीलाकैवल्यम् Br. Sūt.II.1.33; यथा लोके कस्यचिदाप्तैषणस्य राज्ञः &c. S. B. (and diverse other places of the same work).
    -8 Common or worldly usage (opp. Vedic usage or idiom); वेदोक्ता वैदिकाः शब्दाः सिद्धा लोकाच्च लौकिकाः, प्रियतद्धिता दाक्षिणात्या यथा लोके वेदे चेति प्रयोक्तव्ये यथा लौकिक- वैदिकेष्विति प्रयुञ्जते Mbh. (and in diverse other places); अतो$स्मि लोके वेदे च प्रथितः पुरुषोत्तमः Bg.15.18.
    -9 Sight, looking.
    -1 The number 'seven', or 'fourteen'.
    -11 Ved. Open space; space, room.
    -12 One's own nature (निजस्वरूप); नष्टस्मृतिः पुनरयं प्रवृणीत लोकम् Bhāg.3. 31.15.
    -13 Enlightenment (प्रकाश); इच्छामि कालेन न यस्य विप्लवस्तस्यात्मलोकावरणस्य मोक्षम् Bhāg.8.3.25.
    -14 Recom- pense (फल); अग्नावेव देवेषु लोकमिच्छन्ते Bṛi. Up.1.4.15.
    -15 An object of enjoyment (भोग्यवस्तु); अथो अयं वा आत्मा सर्वेषां भूतानां लोकः Bṛi. Up 1.4.16.
    -16 Sight, the faculty of seeing (चक्षुरिन्द्रिय); अग्निर्लोकः Bṛi. Up.3.9. 1.
    -17 An object of sense (विषय); उपपत्त्योपलब्धेषु लोकेषु च समो भव Mb.12.288.11. (In compounds लोक is often translated by 'universally', 'generally', 'popularly'; as लोकविज्ञात so ˚विद्विष्ट).
    -Comp. -अक्षः space, sky.
    -अतिग a. extraordinary, supernatural.
    -अतिशय a. superior to the world, extraordinary.
    -अधिक a. ex- traordinary, uncommon; सर्वं पण्डितराजराजितिलकेनाकारि लोकाधिकम् Bv.4.44; Ki.2.47.
    -अधिपः 1 a king.
    -2 a god or deity.
    -अधिपतिः a lord of the world.
    -अनुग्रहः prosperity of mankind.
    -अनुरागः 'love of mankind', universal love, general benevolence, philanthropy.
    -अनुवृत्तम् obedience of the people.
    -अन्तरम् 'another world', the next world, future life; लोकान्तरसुखं पुण्यं तपोदानसमुद्भवम् R.1.69;6.45; लोकान्तरं गम्-प्राप् &c. 'to die'.
    -अन्तरित a. dead.
    -अपवादः public scandal, po- pular censure; लोकापवादो बलवान् मतो मे R.14.4.
    -अभि- भाविन् a.
    1 overcoming the world.
    -2 pervading the whole world (as light).
    -अभिलक्षित a. generally liked.
    -अभ्युदयः public weal or welfare.
    -अयनः N. of Nārāyaṇa.
    -अलोकः N. of a mythical mountain that encircles the earth and is situated beyond the sea of fresh water which surrounds the last of the seven conti- nents; beyond लोकालोक there is complete darkness, and to this side of it there is light; it thus divides the visible world from the regions of darkness; प्रकाशश्चा- प्रकाशश्च लोकालोक इवाचलः R.1.68; लोकालोकव्याहतं धर्मराशेः शालीनं वा धाम नालं प्रसर्तुम् Śi.16.83; Mv.5.1,45; ऊर्ध्व- मालोकयामासुः लोकालोकमिवोच्छ्रितम् Parṇāl.3.3; (for further explanation see Dr. Bhāṇḍārkar's note on l. 79 of Māl. 1th Act). (
    -कौ) the visible and the invisible world.
    -आकाशः 1 space, sky.
    -2 (with Jains) a worldly region.
    -आचारः common practice, popular or general custom, ways of the world; अपि शास्त्रेषु कुशला लोकाचारविवर्जिताः Pt.5.43.
    -आत्मन् m. the soul of the universe.
    -आदिः 1 the beginning of the world.
    -2 the creator of the world.
    - आयत a. atheistical, materialistic. (
    -तः) a materialist, an atheist, a follower of Chārvāka. (
    -तम्) materialism, atheism; (for some account see the first chapter of the Sarvadarśanasaṁgraha).
    -आयतिकः an atheist, a materialist; कच्चिन्न लोकायतिकान् ब्राह्मणांस्तात सेवसे Rām. 2.1.38.
    -ईशः 1 a king (lord of the world).
    -2 Brahman.
    -3 quick-silver.
    -उक्तिः f.
    1 a proverb, popular saying; लोके ख्यातिमुपागतात्र सकले लोकोक्तिरेषा यतो दग्धानां किल वह्निना हितकरः सेको$पि तस्योद्भवः Pt.1.371.
    -2 common talk, public opinion.
    -उत्तर a. extraordinary, uncommon, unusual; लोकोत्तरा च कृतिः Bv.1.69.7; U.2.7. (
    -रः) a king. ˚वादिन् m. pl. N. of a Buddhist school.
    -उपक्रोशनम् circulating evil reports among the people; असारस्य वाक्संतक्षणैर्लोकोपक्रोशनैः... अपवाहनम् Dk.2.2.
    -एकबन्धुः an epithet of Śākyamuni.
    -एषणा 1 desire for heaven; या वितैषणा सा लोकैषणोभे ह्येते एषणे एव भवतः Bṛi. Up.3.5.1.
    -2 desire for the good opinion of the public.
    -कण्टकः 1 a troublesome or wicked man, the curse of mankind.
    -2 an epithet of Rāvaṇa; see कण्टक.
    -कथा a popular legend, folk-tale.
    -कर्तृ, -कृत् m. the creator of the world.
    -कल्प a.
    1 resembling the world.
    -2 regarded by the world. (
    -ल्पः) a period or age of the world.
    -कान्त a. liked by the people, popular; भव पितुरनुरूपस्त्वं गुणैर्लोककान्तैः V.5.21. (
    -न्ता) a kind of medical herb (Mar. मुरुढशेंग).
    -कारणकारणः an epithet of Śiva.
    -क्षित् a. inhabiting heaven.
    -गतिः f. actions of men.
    -गाथा a song handed down among people, folk-song.
    -चक्षुस् n. the sun.
    -चारित्रम् the ways of the world.
    -जननी an epithet of Lakṣmī.
    -जित् m.
    1 an epithet of Buddha.
    -2 any conqueror of the world.
    -3 a sage. -a. winning heaven; तद्धैतल्लोकजिदेव Bṛi. Up.1.3.28.
    -ज्ञ a. knowing the world.
    -ज्येष्ठः an epithet of Buddha.
    -तत्त्वम् knowledge of mankind.
    -तन्त्रम् course of the world; निर्मितो लोकतन्त्रो$यं लोकेषु परिवर्तते Bhāg.12.11.29.
    -तुषारः camphor.
    -त्रयम्, -त्रयी the three worlds taken collectively; उत्खात- लोकत्रयकण्टकेपि R.14.73.
    -दम्भक a. cheating mankind; Ms.4.195.
    -द्वारम् the gate of heaven.
    -धर्मः 1 a worldly matter.
    -2 (with Buddhists) worldly condi- tion.
    -धातुः a particular division of the world (जम्बु- द्वीप).
    -धातृ m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -धारिणी N. of the earth.
    -नाथः 1 Brahman.
    -2 Viṣṇu.
    -3 Śiva.
    -4 a king, sovereign.
    -5 a Buddha
    -6 the sun.
    -नेतृ m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -पः, -पालः 1 a regent or guardian of a quarter of the world; ललिताभिनयं तमद्य भर्ता मरुतां द्रष्टुमनाः सलोकपालः V.2.18; R.2.75;12.89;17.78; (the lokapālas are eight; see अष्टदिक्पाल).
    -2 a king, sovereign.
    -पक्तिः f. esteem of mankind, general respectability.
    -पतिः 1 an epi- thet of Brahman.
    -2 of Viṣṇu.
    -3 a king, sovereign.
    -पथः, -पद्धतिः f. the general or usual way, the univer- sally accepted way.
    -परोक्ष a. hidden from the world.
    -पितामहः an epithet of Brahman.
    -प्रकाशनः the sun.
    -प्रत्ययः universal prevalence.
    -प्रवादः general rumour, current report, popular talk.
    -प्रसिद्ध a. well-known, universally known.
    -बन्धुः, -बान्धवः 1 the sun.
    -2 Śiva.
    -बाह्य, -वाह्य 1 excluded from society, excom- municated.
    -2 differing from the world, eccentric, singular; उन्मादवन्नृत्यति लोकबाह्यः Bhāg.11.2.4. (
    -ह्यः) an outcast.
    -भर्तृ a. supporter of the people.
    -भावन, -भाविन् a. promoting the welfare of the world.
    -मर्यादा an established or current custom.
    -मातृ f. an epithet of Lakṣmī.
    -मार्गः an established custom.
    -यज्ञः desire for the good opinion of the people (लोकैषणा); Mb.1. 18.5. (com. लोकयज्ञो लोकैषणा सर्वो मां साधुमेव जानात्विति वासनारूपः).
    -यात्रा 1 worldly affairs, the course of world- ly life, business of the world; तस्माल्लोकयात्रार्थी नित्यमुद्यत- दण्डः स्यात् Kau. A.1.4; Mb.3.15.31; Dk.2.8; एवं किलेयं लोकयात्रा Mv.7; यावदयं संसारस्तावत् प्रसिद्धैवेयं लोकयात्रा Ve.3.
    -2 a popular usage or custom; एषोदिता लोकयात्रा नित्यं स्त्रीपुंसयोः शुभा Ms.9.25
    -3 worldly existence, career in life; Māl.4,6.
    -4 support of life, maintenance.
    -रक्षः a king, sovereign.
    -रञ्जनम् pleasing the world, popularity.
    -रवः popular talk or report.
    -रावण a. tormentor of the people; रावणं लोकरावणम् Rām.3.33.1; Mb.3.148.12.
    -लेखः 1 a public document.
    -2 an ordi- nary letter.
    -लोचनम् the sun.
    -वचनम् a popular rumour or report.
    -वर्तनम् the means by which the world subsists.
    -वादः public rumour; common talk, popular report; मां लोकवादश्रवणादहासीः R.14.61.
    -वार्ता popular report, public rumour; कश्चिदक्षर्धूतः कलासु कवित्वेषु लोकवार्तासु चातिवैचक्षण्यान्मया समसृज्यत Dk.2.2.
    -विद्विष्ट a. disliked by men, generally or universally disliked.
    -विधिः 1 a mode of proceeding prevalent in the world.
    -2 the creator of the world.
    -विनायकाः a class of deities presiding over diseases.
    -विभ्रमः see लोकव्यवहार; हृष्यत्तनुर्विस्मृतलोकविभ्रमः Bhāg.1.71.26.
    -विरुद्ध a. op- posed to public opinion; यद्यपि शुद्धं लोकविरुद्धं नाकरणीयम् नाचरणीयम्.
    -विश्रुत a. farfamed, universally known, famous, renowned.
    -विश्रुतिः f.
    1 world-wide fame.
    -2 unfounded rumour, mere report.
    -विसर्गः 1 the end of the world; Mb.
    -2 the creation of the world; Bhāg.
    -वृत्तम् 1 the way of the world, a custom prevalent in the world; लोकवृत्तमनुष्ठेयं कृतं वो बाष्पमोक्षणम् Rām.4.25.3.
    -2 an idle talk or gossip; न लोकवृत्तं वर्तेत वृत्तिहेतोः कथंचन Ms.4.11.
    -वृत्तान्तः, -व्यवहारः 1 the course or ways of the world, general custom; Ś.5.
    -2 course of events.
    -व्यवहार a. commonly used, universally current.
    -व्रतम् general practice or way of the world.
    -श्रुतिः f.
    1 a popular report.
    -2 world-wide fame.
    -संसृतिः f.
    1 fate, destiny.
    -2 course through the world.
    -संकरः general confusion in the world.
    -संग्रहः 1 the whole universe.
    -2 the welfare of the world; लोकसंग्रहमेवापि संपश्यन् कर्तुमर्हसि Bg.3.2.
    -3 worldly experience.
    -4 propitiation of mankind.
    -संपन्न a. possessed of worldly wisdom.
    -संबाधः a throng of men, going and coming; इतस्ततः प्रवेशनिर्गमप्रवृत्तलोकसंबाधम् Dk.2.3.
    -साक्षिक a.
    1 having the world as a witness; in the face of the world; प्रत्यक्षं फलमश्नन्ति कर्मणां लोकसाक्षिकम् Mb.3.32.6.
    -2 attested by witnesses.
    -साक्षिन् m.
    1 an epithet of Brahman.
    -2 fire.
    -साधक a. creating worlds.
    -साधारण a. common (as a topic); Dk.
    -सिद्ध a.
    1 cur- rent among the people, usual, customary.
    -2 generally received or accepted.
    -सीमातिवर्तिन् a. extraordinary, supernatural.
    -सुन्दर a. generally admired.
    -स्थलम् common occurrence.
    -स्थितिः f.
    1 existence or conduct of the universe, worldly existence; the stability or perma- nence of the world; ये चैवं पुरुषाः कलासु कुशलास्तेष्वेव लोकस्थितिः Bh.2.22.
    -2 a universal law.
    -हास्य a. world-derided, the butt of general ridicule.
    -हित a. beneficial to mankind or to the world. (
    -तम्) general welfare.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > लोकः _lōkḥ

  • 3 alfabeto

    alfabeto Morse Morse code
    * * *
    1 (abecedario) alphabet
    2 (código) code
    alfabeto Morse Morse code
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    * * *
    masculino alphabet
    * * *
    = alphabet, character set, script.
    Ex. There are only two sets of symbols whose orders are reasonably universally recognised: the letters of the Roman alphabet (either small or capitals), and Arabic numerals.
    Ex. Apart from the different character sets that can be used for notation, there are two types of notation: pure notation and mixed notation.
    Ex. Schoolchildren, students, and other whose native language is written in a non-Roman script may find alphabetical order according to Roman characters an almost insurmountable hurdle in the use of catalogues and indexes.
    * alfabeto en información = information literate [information-literate].
    * alfabeto griego aldino = Aldine greek.
    * alfabeto no romano = non-Roman alphabet.
    * alfabeto romano = Roman alphabet, latin alphabet.
    * en varios alfabetos = multiscript [multi-script].
    * letra del alfabeto = alphabet letter, alphabetic letter.
    * * *
    masculino alphabet
    * * *
    = alphabet, character set, script.

    Ex: There are only two sets of symbols whose orders are reasonably universally recognised: the letters of the Roman alphabet (either small or capitals), and Arabic numerals.

    Ex: Apart from the different character sets that can be used for notation, there are two types of notation: pure notation and mixed notation.
    Ex: Schoolchildren, students, and other whose native language is written in a non-Roman script may find alphabetical order according to Roman characters an almost insurmountable hurdle in the use of catalogues and indexes.
    * alfabeto en información = information literate [information-literate].
    * alfabeto griego aldino = Aldine greek.
    * alfabeto no romano = non-Roman alphabet.
    * alfabeto romano = Roman alphabet, latin alphabet.
    * en varios alfabetos = multiscript [multi-script].
    * letra del alfabeto = alphabet letter, alphabetic letter.

    * * *
    en el alfabeto Morse in Morse (code)
    el alfabeto griego/cirílico the Greek/Cyrillic alphabet
    * * *

    alfabeto sustantivo masculino
    alfabeto sustantivo masculino alphabet
    ' alfabeto' also found in these entries:
    - letter
    - script
    * * *
    alfabeto braille Braille alphabet;
    Alfabeto Fonético Internacional International Phonetic Alphabet;
    alfabeto latino Roman alphabet;
    alfabeto morse Morse code
    * * *
    m alphabet
    * * *
    : alphabet
    * * *
    alfabeto n alphabet

    Spanish-English dictionary > alfabeto

  • 4 alfabeto romano

    Roman alphabet.
    * * *
    (n.) = Roman alphabet, latin alphabet
    Ex. There are only two sets of symbols whose orders are reasonably universally recognised: the letters of the Roman alphabet (either small or capitals), and Arabic numerals.
    Ex. For this purpose it is assumed that the usual 23-letter latin alphabet, or an uninterrupted series of numerals, is used for signing the gatherings.
    * * *
    (n.) = Roman alphabet, latin alphabet

    Ex: There are only two sets of symbols whose orders are reasonably universally recognised: the letters of the Roman alphabet (either small or capitals), and Arabic numerals.

    Ex: For this purpose it is assumed that the usual 23-letter latin alphabet, or an uninterrupted series of numerals, is used for signing the gatherings.

    Spanish-English dictionary > alfabeto romano

  • 5 letra

    1 letter.
    2 handwriting.
    no entiendo su letra I can't read his writing o handwriting
    3 type, typeface.
    letra cursiva italic type, italics
    escriba en letra de imprenta please write in block capitals
    letra itálica italic type, italics
    letra negrita bold (face)
    4 lyrics.
    5 literal meaning.
    seguir instrucciones al pie de la letra to follow instructions to the letter
    6 bank bill, bill of exchange, letter.
    7 hand, script.
    * * *
    2 (de imprenta) character
    3 (escritura) handwriting
    4 (de canción) lyrics plural, words plural
    5 (de cambio) bill of exchange
    1 EDUCACIÓN arts (literatura) letters
    a la letra to the letter
    al pie de la letra to the letter
    aprender las primeras letras to learn to read and write
    con la letra clara clearly, neatly
    la letra con sangre entra spare the rod and spoil the child
    letra por letra word for word
    ponerle a alguien unas letras to write to somebody, drop a line to somebody
    letra de cambio bill of exchange, draft
    letra de imprenta block capitals plural
    letra del tesoro treasury bond
    letra gótica Gothic script
    letra mayúscula capital letter
    letra menuda small print
    letra pequeña small print
    letra minúscula small letter
    * * *
    noun f.
    3) type
    * * *
    1) (Tip) letter

    letra bastardilla, letra cursiva — italics pl, italic type (EEUU)

    letra de imprenta, letra de molde — print

    escriba su nombre en letras de imprenta o de molde — please print your name in block letters

    letra negrilla, letra negrita — bold type, heavy type

    letra redonda — roman, roman type (EEUU)

    2) (=escritura) handwriting, writing
    3) (=sentido literal) letter, literal meaning

    atarse a la letrafrm to stick to the literal meaning

    pie 4)
    4) (Com) (=pago) instalment, installment (EEUU)

    letra bancaria — banker's draft, bank draft

    letra de cambio — bill (of exchange), draft

    5) [de canción] words pl, lyrics pl
    6) pl letras (=cultura) letters, learning sing

    primeras letras — elementary education, the three Rs

    7) pl letras (Escol, Univ) (=humanidades) arts
    * * *
    a) (Impr, Ling) letter

    la letra con sangre entra — spare the rod, spoil the child

    b) ( caligrafía) writing, handwriting
    c) letras femenino plural ( carta breve)

    sólo unas letras para decirte que... — just a few lines to let you know that...

    2) ( sentido)
    3) (Mús) ( de canción) words (pl), lyrics (pl)
    4) (Fin) tb

    letra de cambio — bill of exchange, draft

    5) letras femenino plural (Educ) arts (pl), liberal arts (pl) (AmE)

    licenciado en Filosofía y Letras — ≈arts graduate

    * * *
    = character, letter, script, sorts, sort, letter-form.
    Ex. A fixed length field is a field which has the same length, that is, contains the same number of characters in each record.
    Ex. There are only two sets of symbols whose orders are reasonably universally recognised: the letters of the Roman alphabet (either small or capitals), and Arabic numerals.
    Ex. Schoolchildren, students, and other whose native language is written in a non-Roman script may find alphabetical order according to Roman characters an almost insurmountable hurdle in the use of catalogues and indexes.
    Ex. Italic founts, which lacked small capitals, generally had about the same total number of sorts as roman because of the addition of extra ligatures and decorated (or 'swash') capitals.
    Ex. Italic founts, which lacked small capitals, generally had about the same total number of sorts as roman.
    Ex. They were used for elaborate illustrations, stylized ornaments, initial letters, and for words in large or complex letter-forms that were not available as type = Se utilizaban para ilusraciones compicadas, adornos estilizados, letras iniciales y para letras grandes o complejas que no se podían conseguir en tipos.
    * al pie de la letra = to the letter.
    * de dos letras = two-letter.
    * de puño y letra = in black and white, in handwriting.
    * dominado por la letra impresa = print-dominated.
    * filosofía y letras = arts and humanities, the, arts and letters.
    * hombre de letras = man of letters.
    * imprimir en letra realzada = print in + double density.
    * juego de letras = letter set.
    * la clave está en la letra pequeña = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * las triquiñuelas de la letra pequeña = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * letra adornada = swash letter.
    * letra a letra = letter-perfect.
    * letra bastarda = bastarda.
    * letra bastardilla = italics.
    * letra contraccional = contraction.
    * letra cursiva = italics.
    * letra cuya impresión en papel no está completa = broken letter.
    * letra de cambio = bill of exchange.
    * letra de canción = song lyrics.
    * letra de imprenta = block capital, block letter.
    * letra del alfabeto = alphabet letter, alphabetic letter.
    * letra de la música = music lyrics.
    * letra del Tesoro = Treasury bill.
    * letra de madera = wood letter.
    * letra de molde = block capital, block letter.
    * letra desbordante = kerned letter.
    * letra de signatura = signature-letter.
    * letra egipcia = slab serif.
    * letra gótica = gothic type, black letter.
    * letra inicial decorada = decorated capital, swash capital.
    * letra itálica = italic fount, italic type.
    * letra, la = lyrics, the.
    * letra ligada = diagraph.
    * letra mayúscula = capital letter, upper case letter, block capital, block letter.
    * letra mecana = slab serif.
    * letra minúscula = lower case letter, small, small letter.
    * letra moderna = modern face.
    * letra negrita = bold print, bold type, bold letters.
    * letra normal = light type, light face type.
    * letra pequeñita, la = fine detail(s), fine points, the.
    * letra por letra = literatim.
    * letra romana = roman, roman type.
    * letra romana aldina = Aldine roman.
    * letra romana cursiva = sloped roman.
    * letra romana de Caslon = Caslon roman.
    * letra rota o a medio imprimir = broken letter.
    * letras adornadas = swash sorts.
    * letra saliente = kerned letter.
    * letras conjuntas = tied letters.
    * letras, las = arts, the.
    * letra versalita = small capital.
    * los detalles de la letra pequeña = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * los pormenores de la letra pequeña = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * método de ordenación letra a letra = letter by letter method, all-through method.
    * mundo de la letra impresa, el = print world, the.
    * mundo de las letras, el = world of letters, the.
    * no creerse Algo al pie de la letra = take + Nombre + with a pinch of salt.
    * ordenación alfabética letra a letra = letter by letter alphabetisation.
    * ordenación letra a letra = letter-by-letter filing, all through filing, letter by letter arrangement, all through arrangement.
    * personas con problemas de lectura de la letra impresa = print disabled people.
    * remate de una letra = serif.
    * revoltijo de letras = jumbled letters.
    * seguir Algo al pie de la letra = follow + Nombre + to the letter.
    * seguir al pie de la letra = keep + strictly to the letter.
    * sopa de letras = alphabet soup.
    * tamaño de letra = font size.
    * texto con letras grandes = large print.
    * tipo de letra = type face [typeface], typing, type font [typefont], fount, type specimen [type-specimen], fount of type.
    * uso de la letra cursiva = italicisation [italicization, -USA].
    * * *
    a) (Impr, Ling) letter

    la letra con sangre entra — spare the rod, spoil the child

    b) ( caligrafía) writing, handwriting
    c) letras femenino plural ( carta breve)

    sólo unas letras para decirte que... — just a few lines to let you know that...

    2) ( sentido)
    3) (Mús) ( de canción) words (pl), lyrics (pl)
    4) (Fin) tb

    letra de cambio — bill of exchange, draft

    5) letras femenino plural (Educ) arts (pl), liberal arts (pl) (AmE)

    licenciado en Filosofía y Letras — ≈arts graduate

    * * *
    la letra
    = lyrics, the

    Ex: The database contains 12 of the most requested songs and screens the lyrics in time with the music = La base de datos contiene 12 de las canciones más solicitadas y muestra en pantalla las letras junto con la música.

    = character, letter, script, sorts, sort, letter-form.

    Ex: A fixed length field is a field which has the same length, that is, contains the same number of characters in each record.

    Ex: There are only two sets of symbols whose orders are reasonably universally recognised: the letters of the Roman alphabet (either small or capitals), and Arabic numerals.
    Ex: Schoolchildren, students, and other whose native language is written in a non-Roman script may find alphabetical order according to Roman characters an almost insurmountable hurdle in the use of catalogues and indexes.
    Ex: Italic founts, which lacked small capitals, generally had about the same total number of sorts as roman because of the addition of extra ligatures and decorated (or 'swash') capitals.
    Ex: Italic founts, which lacked small capitals, generally had about the same total number of sorts as roman.
    Ex: They were used for elaborate illustrations, stylized ornaments, initial letters, and for words in large or complex letter-forms that were not available as type = Se utilizaban para ilusraciones compicadas, adornos estilizados, letras iniciales y para letras grandes o complejas que no se podían conseguir en tipos.
    * al pie de la letra = to the letter.
    * de dos letras = two-letter.
    * de puño y letra = in black and white, in handwriting.
    * dominado por la letra impresa = print-dominated.
    * filosofía y letras = arts and humanities, the, arts and letters.
    * hombre de letras = man of letters.
    * imprimir en letra realzada = print in + double density.
    * juego de letras = letter set.
    * la clave está en la letra pequeña = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * las triquiñuelas de la letra pequeña = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * letra adornada = swash letter.
    * letra a letra = letter-perfect.
    * letra bastarda = bastarda.
    * letra bastardilla = italics.
    * letra contraccional = contraction.
    * letra cursiva = italics.
    * letra cuya impresión en papel no está completa = broken letter.
    * letra de cambio = bill of exchange.
    * letra de canción = song lyrics.
    * letra de imprenta = block capital, block letter.
    * letra del alfabeto = alphabet letter, alphabetic letter.
    * letra de la música = music lyrics.
    * letra del Tesoro = Treasury bill.
    * letra de madera = wood letter.
    * letra de molde = block capital, block letter.
    * letra desbordante = kerned letter.
    * letra de signatura = signature-letter.
    * letra egipcia = slab serif.
    * letra gótica = gothic type, black letter.
    * letra inicial decorada = decorated capital, swash capital.
    * letra itálica = italic fount, italic type.
    * letra, la = lyrics, the.
    * letra ligada = diagraph.
    * letra mayúscula = capital letter, upper case letter, block capital, block letter.
    * letra mecana = slab serif.
    * letra minúscula = lower case letter, small, small letter.
    * letra moderna = modern face.
    * letra negrita = bold print, bold type, bold letters.
    * letra normal = light type, light face type.
    * letra pequeñita, la = fine detail(s), fine points, the.
    * letra por letra = literatim.
    * letra romana = roman, roman type.
    * letra romana aldina = Aldine roman.
    * letra romana cursiva = sloped roman.
    * letra romana de Caslon = Caslon roman.
    * letra rota o a medio imprimir = broken letter.
    * letras adornadas = swash sorts.
    * letra saliente = kerned letter.
    * letras conjuntas = tied letters.
    * letras, las = arts, the.
    * letra versalita = small capital.
    * los detalles de la letra pequeña = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * los pormenores de la letra pequeña = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * método de ordenación letra a letra = letter by letter method, all-through method.
    * mundo de la letra impresa, el = print world, the.
    * mundo de las letras, el = world of letters, the.
    * no creerse Algo al pie de la letra = take + Nombre + with a pinch of salt.
    * ordenación alfabética letra a letra = letter by letter alphabetisation.
    * ordenación letra a letra = letter-by-letter filing, all through filing, letter by letter arrangement, all through arrangement.
    * personas con problemas de lectura de la letra impresa = print disabled people.
    * remate de una letra = serif.
    * revoltijo de letras = jumbled letters.
    * seguir Algo al pie de la letra = follow + Nombre + to the letter.
    * seguir al pie de la letra = keep + strictly to the letter.
    * sopa de letras = alphabet soup.
    * tamaño de letra = font size.
    * texto con letras grandes = large print.
    * tipo de letra = type face [typeface], typing, type font [typefont], fount, type specimen [type-specimen], fount of type.
    * uso de la letra cursiva = italicisation [italicization, -USA].

    * * *
    1 ( Impr, Ling) letter
    aprender/saber las primeras letras to learn/know how to read and write
    la letra con sangre entra spare the rod, spoil the child
    2 (caligrafía) writing, handwriting
    tienes una letra muy clara your writing o handwriting is very clear
    no entiendo tu letra I can't read your writing o handwriting
    despacito y buena letra slowly and carefully
    (carta breve): sólo cuatro or unas letras para decirte que … just a note o just a few lines to let you know that …
    letra bastardilla or cursiva
    italic script, italics (pl)
    ( RPl) small print
    letra de molde or imprenta
    escriba el nombre completo en letra de molde or imprenta please print your full name
    double letter
    Gothic script
    italic script, italics (pl)
    capital letter, uppercase letter
    con or en letras mayúsculas in capital letters, in upper case ( tech)
    lowercase letter, small letter
    con or en letras minúsculas in small letters, in lower case ( tech)
    dead letter
    letra negrita or negrilla
    boldface, bold type
    small print
    roman type
    (sentido): la letra de la ley the letter of the law
    ateniéndonos a la letra, el texto dice que … if we read it absolutely literally, the text appears to say that …
    C ( Mús) (de canción) words (pl), lyrics (pl)
    D ( Fin) tb
    letra de cambio bill of exchange, draft
    aceptar/girar una letra to accept/present a bill of exchange o a draft
    devolver/protestar una letra to dishonor/protest a bill of exchange o a draft
    me quedan tres letras por pagar ≈ I still have three installments to pay o three payments to make
    E letras fpl ( Educ) arts (pl)
    * * *


    letra sustantivo femenino
    a) (Impr, Ling) letter;

    letra bastardilla or cursiva italic script, italics (pl);

    letra negrita boldface, bold type;
    letra pequeña or (AmS) chica small print


    letras sustantivo femenino plural ( carta breve): solo unas letras para decirte que … just a few lines to let you know that …

    2 (Mús) ( de canción) words (pl), lyrics (pl)
    3 (Fin) tb

    me quedan tres letras por pagar I still have three payments to make
    letras sustantivo femenino plural (Educ) arts (pl), liberal arts (pl) (AmE)

    letra sustantivo femenino
    1 letter
    letra de molde, print letter
    letra pequeña, small print
    2 (manera de escribir) (hand) writing: me gusta tu letra, I like your writing
    3 Mús lyrics pl: no se sabe la letra, he hasn't learnt the words
    4 Fin letra (de cambio), bill of exchange
    (de un pago aplazado) instalment: aún nos quedan varias letras por pagar, we've still got a few instalments left to pay
    5 Univ mi hermana es de Letras, my sister is studing Arts o my sister did an Arts degree
    ♦ Locuciones: al pie de la letra, literally: sigue mis instrucciones al pie de la letra, follow my instructions precisely
    ser letra muerta, to be a dead letter
    ' letra' also found in these entries:
    - B
    - C
    - cursiva
    - D
    - desojarse
    - E
    - ese
    - F
    - G
    - girar
    - H
    - I
    - J
    - K
    - L
    - M
    - minúscula
    - minúsculo
    - muda
    - mudo
    - N
    - Ñ
    - O
    - P
    - pie
    - puño
    - Q
    - R
    - S
    - T
    - tilde
    - tipo
    - trazo
    - U
    - V
    - vencer
    - vencida
    - vencido
    - vencimiento
    - W
    - X
    - Y
    - Z
    - comer
    - delta
    - descontar
    - descuento
    - desigual
    - devolver
    - B
    - book
    - C
    - capital
    - carve
    - close
    - cramped
    - cursive
    - D
    - draft
    - E
    - F
    - feminine
    - G
    - H
    - handwriting
    - I
    - initial
    - italicize
    - J
    - K
    - L
    - lest
    - letter
    - lower case
    - lyric
    - M
    - manage
    - masculine
    - N
    - neat
    - O
    - P
    - print
    - q
    - R
    - read
    - S
    - salt
    - silent
    - small print
    - T
    - typeface
    - U
    - unintelligible
    - upper case
    - V
    - W
    - word
    * * *
    letra nf
    1. [signo] letter
    letra doble double letter
    2. [escritura, caligrafía] handwriting;
    escribe la carta con buena letra write the letter in neat handwriting;
    no entiendo su letra I can't read her writing o handwriting;
    mandar cuatro letras a alguien to drop sb a line;
    la letra con sangre entra spare the rod and spoil the child
    Am letra chica small print;
    letra pequeña small print
    3. [en imprenta] type, typeface
    letra bastardilla italic type, italics;
    letra capitular drop cap;
    letra cursiva italic type, italics;
    letra de imprenta [impresa] print;
    [en formulario] block capitals;
    escriba en letra de imprenta please write in block capitals;
    letra itálica italic type, italics;
    letra mayúscula capital letter, Espec upper-case letter;
    en letra(s) mayúscula(s) in capitals o capital letters, Espec in upper case;
    letra minúscula small letter, Espec lower-case letter;
    en letra(s) minúscula(s) in small letters, Espec in lower case;
    letra de molde [impresa] print;
    [en formulario] block capitals;
    letra muerta dead letter;
    letra negrita bold (face);
    letra redonda roman type;
    letra redondilla roman type;
    letra versalita small capital
    4. [texto de canción] lyrics
    5. Com
    letra (de cambio) bill of exchange;
    girar una letra to draw a bill of exchange;
    protestar una letra to protest a bill
    letra avalada guaranteed bill of exchange;
    letra del Tesoro treasury bill
    6. [sentido] literal meaning;
    nos atuvimos a la letra del contrato we abided by the contract word for word;
    seguir instrucciones al pie de la letra to follow instructions to the letter
    7. Educ
    letras arts;
    soy de letras I studied arts;
    una asignatura de letras an arts subject
    letras mixtas = secondary school course comprising mainly arts subjects but including some science subjects;
    letras puras = secondary school course comprising arts subjects only
    * * *
    1 letter;
    menuda fig the fine print, Br
    the small print;
    al pie de la letra word for word
    2 de canción lyrics pl
    letras pl ( literatura) literature sg ; EDU arts
    tener buena/mala letra have good/bad handwriting
    * * *
    letra nf
    1) : letter
    2) caligrafía: handwriting, lettering
    3) : lyrics pl
    al pie de la letra : word for word, by the book
    5) letras nfpl
    : arts (in education)
    * * *
    1. (signo) letter
    la palabra "mosca" tiene cinco letras the word "mosca" has five letters
    2. (manera de escribir) handwriting
    3. (de canción) lyrics / words
    ¿entiendes la letra? do you understand the words?

    Spanish-English dictionary > letra

  • 6 use

    1. III
    1) use smth. use tools (an kinds of instruments, a plow, weapons, a pen, a chair, dictionaries, etc.) пользоваться инструментами и т.д., использовать инструменты и т.д.; use queer words применять странные-слова, пользоваться странными словами; are you using this book? вы пользуетесь этой книгой?; вы работаете по этой книге?; are you using this knife? вам сейчас нужен этот нож?; use strong language (gross words) употреблять сильные выражения (грубые слова); may I use your piano (your telephone, your hammer, etc.)? можно мне воспользоваться вашим инструментом и т.д.?; use my house as if it were your own располагайтесь у меня как дома; use one's legs ходить пешком; use one's hands уметь что-л. делать собственными руками; use your ears! слушать надо!; use your eyes смотри лучше, раскрой глаза; use your brains /your wits/ подумай, пошевели мозгами; use one's strength (one's violence, one's force, one's disguise, one's artifice, one's trickery, one's fraud, etc.) прибегать к силе и т.д., применять силу и т.д.; use one's opportunities воспользоваться предоставившейся возможностью; use one's influence (one's authority, one's experience, etc.) использовать свое влияние и т.д.; воспользоваться своим влиянием и т.д.; you must use your skill ты должен пустить в ход [все] свое умение; use every (fair, etc.) means применять все и т.д. средства /приемы/; use facts (arguments) приводить факты (доводы /аргументы/); use more саге (patience, tact, etc.) действовать более осторожно и т.д.; use more diligence быть более старательным; use precautions принимать меры предосторожности; use moderation проявлять умеренность; use one's intelligence шевелить мозгами; use your discretion действуйте по собственному разумению; use smb. use a typist (one's friends, one's sister, the in laws, etc.) прибегать к помощи машинистки и т.д.; use the choicest troops бросать в бой отборные войска /части/
    2) use smth. use coal (a great deal of butter, most of the money, etc.) использовать /израсходовать/ уголь и т.д.; use margarine потреблять маргарин; he used tobacco all his life он всегда /всю жизнь/ курил
    3) use smb. use others as you would have them use you обращайтесь с другими /относитесь к другим/ так, как вы хотели бы, чтобы обращались с вами /относились к вам/
    2. IV
    1) use smth. in some manner use smth. regularly (habitually, freely, extensively, universally, deliberately, effectively, sensibly, economically, etc.) регулярно /постоянно/ и т.д. пользоваться чем-л. /использовать что-л./; we use the telephone widely мы широко пользуемся телефоном; this ticket cannot be useed again билет действителен только на одну поездку; use one's spare time well хорошо проводить или разумно использовать свободное время; he uses money wisely он разумно расходует /тратит/ деньги
    2) use smb. in some manner use smb. well (badly, ill, roughly, severely, cruelly, etc.) обходиться /обращаться/ с кем-л. хороню и т.д.
    3. VII
    use smth. to do smth. use a knife to cut the meat (peanut butter to make sandwiches, money to rebuild one's house, etc.) использовать нож [для того], чтобы разрезать мясо и т.д.; use some information to serve one's ends (smb.'s absence to poison everyone against him, etc.) воспользоваться информацией для достижения своих целей и т.д.
    4. XI
    be used for smth. a knife was used for opening the door для того, чтобы открыть дверь, воспользовались ножом; oil was used for rubbing his chest ему растерли грудь маслом; castor oil used for medicine касторовое масло применяется в медицине; musk is used for perfumes мускус используется для производства духов; plants are used for food растения употребляются в пищу; what is this tool used for? для чего применяется этот инструмент?, что делают этим инструментом?; а jeep is а саг to be used for general purposes джип use [это] машина многоцелевого использования; "queer" is a word often used for "mad" слово "queer" часто употребляется вместо слова "mad"; be used on smb. clubs were used on the crowd против толпы были пущены в ход дубинки; be used in some manner be used (in)correctly (commonly, customarily, internally and externally, figuratively, etc.) (не)правильно и т.д. применяться /использоваться/; the word (this expression) is not used now /is no longer used/ это слово (выражение) вышло из употребления; these words are used interchangeably эти слова взаимозаменяемы
    5. XXI1
    1) use smth. for smth. use the seal's fur for hats использовать мех морского котика на шапки /для шапок/; let's use this expression for an example [давайте] возьмем это выражение в качестве примера || use smth. to the best advantage использовать что-л. наилучшим образом; use a word (an expression) in the figurative sense использовать /употребить/ слово (выражение) в переносном смысле
    2) use smth. on /for/ smth. use paint on the gate (paste on the woodwork, yards and yards on just one dress, etc.) потратить /употребить/ краску на ворота и т.д.; they did not use enough paint on this fence они пожалели краски на забор; how many eggs has he used for this omelette? сколько яиц ушло у него на омлет?
    6. XXIV1
    use smth. as smth. use smb.'s home as headquarters (a newspaper as a table-cloth, a stone as a hammer, a root as food, etc.) использовать чей-л. дом в качестве штаба и т.д.; may I use your name as a reference? можно мне сослаться на вас?

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > use

  • 7 Serge

    A coarse, woollen cloth known as early as the 12th century, a finer quality being called " say." It was much used during the Middle Ages for all portions of attire by the poorer classes, and in the piece for the decoration of houses. ————————
    SERGE (U.S.A.)
    The specification issued by the U.S.A. Government is as follows: - Cotton and worsted serge for overcoat lining shall be of single or 2-ply cotton warp and single or 2-ply worsted filling, the wool to be not below 46's grade; the width shall be full 36-in. exclusive of the selvedge and shall weigh from 6-oz. to 7-oz. per linear yard; it shall be woven in regular serge weave and constructed so as to give a fabric with good body and twill line on the face and containing approximately equal quantities of worsted and cotton yarns throughout; to be navy-blue, fast to the light, with both sets of threads and to be put up into bookfold. ———————— This term was formerly applied in Yorkshire to rough handling coarse wool fabrics woven in a twill design. An old 6-end serge was a simple diagonal 3 up, 1 down, 1 up, 1 down. The term serge is now almost universally understood to mean the 2 & 2 twill, and sometimes the 3 & 3 and the 4 & 4 twills. In wool fabrics it is the practice to add to the name serge, the definition of botany to distinguish fine wool serges from cross-bred qualities. A typical botany worsted serge, 2 & 2 twill weave, 21-02. per yard, 56/58-in. is made with 2/20's worsted 64/70's quality, S twist, 46 ends and 46 picks per inch, 72-in. wide in loom, woven white arid piece-dyed. The cloth is clear finished so as to obtain a well-defined twill effect. A usual weight for ladies' costume serge is 12/13-oz. per yard. Serges are made in many qualities ranging from 12-oz. to 26-oz. per yard. Crossbred worsted yarns are used in making the rougher and stronger types, while woollen yarns are also used. A serge which is extensively used in uniforms for transport workers is made with two-fold cross-bred worsted yarn for warp and single Cheviot woollen yarn for weft. The cloth is woven white or grey and piece-dyed.

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > Serge

  • 8 निर् _nir

    निर् ind. A substitute for निस् before vowels and soft consonants conveying the senses of 'out of', 'away from'. 'without', 'free from', and be frequently expressed by 'less', 'un', used with the noun; see the compounds given below; see निस् and cf. अ also.
    -Comp. -अंश a.
    1 whole, entire.
    -2 not entitled to any share of the ancestral property.
    -अक्षः the place of no latitute; i. e. the terrestrial equator (in astronomy). ˚देशः
    1 a first meridian, as Laṅkā.
    -2 a place where the sun is always vertical and the days and nights are equal.
    -3 the equatorial region.
    -अक्षर a. Not knowing the letters, illiterate.
    -अग्नि a. having lost or neg- lected the consecrated fire; स संन्यासी च योगी च न निरग्निर्न चाक्रियः Bg.6.1.
    -अग्र (क) a. divisible without remain- der.
    -अङ्कुश a. 'not curbed by a hook', unchecked, uncontrolled; unruly, independent, completely free, unfettered; निरङ्कुश इव द्विपः Bhāg.; कामो निकामनिरङ्कुशः Gīt.7; निरङ्कुशाः कवयः Sk.; Bh.3.15; Mv.3.39; विनयरुचयः सदैव निरङ्कुशाः Mu.3.6. ˚ता self-will, indepen- dence.
    -अघ a. sinless, blameless.
    -अङ्ग a.
    1 having no parts.
    -2 deprived of expedients or resources.
    -अजिन a. skinless.
    -अञ्जन a.
    1 without collyrium; निरञ्जने साचिविलोलिकं दृशौ Ki.8.52.
    -2 unstained, untinged.
    -3 free from falsehood; तदा विद्वान् पुण्यपापे विधूय निरञ्जनं परमं साम्यमुपैति Munda 3.1.3.
    -4 simple, artless.
    (-नः) 1 an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 N. of the Supreme Being.
    (-ना) 1 the day of full moon.
    -2 an epithet of Durgā.
    -अतिशय a. unsurpassed, matchless, un- rivalled; निरतिशयं गरिमाणं तेन जनन्याः स्मरन्ति विद्वांसः Pt.1.3. (
    -यः) the Supreme Being.
    -अत्यय a.
    1 free from danger, secure, safe; तद्भवान् वृत्तसंपन्नः स्थितः पथि निरत्यये Rām.4.29.12; R.17.53.
    -2 free from fault, unblamable, faultless, disinterested; Ki.1.12, शक्तिरर्थपतिषु स्वयंग्रहं प्रेम कारयति वा निरत्ययम् 13.61.
    -3 com- pletely successful.
    -अधिष्ठान a.
    1 supportless.
    -2 in- dependent.
    -अध्व a. one who has lost one's way.
    -अनुक्रोश a. pitiless, merciless, hard-hearted. (
    -शः) mercilessness, hard-heartedness.
    -अनुग a. having no followers.
    -अनुग्रह a. Ungracious, unkind; Bhāg.5. 12.7.
    -अनुनासिक a. not nasal.
    -अनुमान a. not bound to conclusions or consequences.
    -अनुयोज्य a. unblamable, faultless.
    -अनुरोध a.
    1 unfavourable, unfriendly.
    -2 unkind, unamiable; Māl.1.
    -अन्तर a.
    -1 constant, perpetual, uninterrupted, incessant; निरन्त- राधिपटलैः Bv.1.16; निरन्तरास्वन्तरवातवृष्टिषु Ku.5.25.
    -2 having no intervening or intermediate space, having no interval, close, closely contiguous, in close contact; मूढे निरन्तरपयोधरया मयैव Mk.5.15; हृदयं निरन्तरबृहत्कठिनस्तन- मण्डलावरणमप्यभिदन् Śi.9.66.
    -3 compact, dense; परितो रुद्धनिरन्तराम्बराः Śi.16.76.
    -4 coarse, gross.
    -5 faithful, true (as a friend).
    -6 not hidden from view.
    -7 not different, similar, identical.
    -8 sincere, sympathetic; सुहृदि निरन्तरचित्ते (निवेद्य दुःखं सुखीभवति) Pt.1.341.
    -9 abounding in, full of; निपात्यमानैर्ददृशे निरन्तरम् Rām.7.7. 54; गुणैश्च निरन्तराणि Mv.4.12. (
    -रम्) ind.
    1 without interruption, constantly, continually, incessantly.
    -2 without intervening space or interval.
    -3 closely, tightly, firmly; (परिष्वजस्व) कान्तैरिदं मम निरन्तरमङ्गमङ्गैः Ve.3.27; परिष्वजेते शयने निरन्तरम् Ṛs.2.11.
    -4 immedia- tely. ˚अभ्यासः constant study, diligent exercise or pra- ctice.
    -अन्तराल a.
    1 without an intervening space, close.
    -2 narrow.
    -अन्धस् a. foodless, hungry.
    -अन्वय a.
    1 having no progeny, childless.
    -2 unconnected, unrelated; Ms.8.198.
    -3 not agreeing with the con- text (as a word in a sentence).
    -4 without logical connection or regular sequence, unmethodical.
    -5 without being seen, out of sight; निरन्वयं भवेत् स्तेयम् Ms.8. 332.
    -6 without retinue, unaccompanied, see अन्वय.
    -7 sudden, unexpected; U.7.
    -8 exterminatory, without leaving any species or trace; प्रागाधारनिरन्वयप्रमथनादुच्छेदमे- वाकरोः... Mv.3.13; (com. नाशो द्विविधः--स्वान्वयविनाशः, निरन्वयविनाशश्चेति......निर्वापणादिना सजातीयज्वालोदयानर्हविनाशस्तु निरन्वयविनाशः ।).
    -अपत्रप a.
    1 shameless, impudent.
    -2 bold.
    -अपराध a. guiltless, innocent, faultless, blame- less. (
    -धः) innocence.
    -अपवर्त a.
    1 not turning back.
    -2 (in arith.) leaving no common divisor, reduced to the lowest terms.
    -अपवाद a.
    1 blameless.
    -2 not admitting of any exception.
    -अपाय a.
    1 free from harm or evil.
    -2 free from decay, imperishable.
    -3 infallible; उपायो निरपायो$यमस्माभिरभिचिन्तितः Rām.1.1.2.
    -अपेक्ष a.
    1 not depending on, irrespective or independent of, having no need of (with loc.); न्यायनिर्णीतसारत्वा- न्निरपेक्षमिवागमे Ki.11.39.
    -2 disregarding, taking no notice of.
    -3 free from desire, secure; निरपेक्षो न कर्तव्यो भृत्यैः स्वामी कदाचन H.2.82.
    -4 careless, negligent, indifferent
    -5 indifferent to worldly attachments or pursuits; समुपोढेषु कामेषु निरपेक्षः परिव्रजेत् Ms.6.41.
    -6 disinterested, not expecting any reward from another; दिशि दिशि निरपेक्ष- स्तावकीनं विवृण्वन् Bv.1.5.
    -7 without purpose. (
    -क्षा) indifference, disregard.
    -अपेक्षित a.
    1 disregarded.
    -2 regardless.
    -अपेक्षिन् a. disregarding, indifferent.
    -अभिभव a.
    1 not subject to humiliation or disgrace.
    -2 not to be surpassed, unrivalled.
    -अभिमान a.
    1 free from self-conceit, devoid of pride or egotism.
    -2 void of self-respect.
    -3 unconscious.
    -अभिलाष a. not caring for, indifferent to; स्वसुखनिरभिलाषः खिद्यसे लोकहेतोः Ś.5.7.
    -अभिसंधानम् absence of design.
    -अभ्र a. cloudless.
    -अमर्ष a.
    1 void of anger, patient.
    -2 apa- thetic.
    -अम्बर a. naked.
    -अम्बु a.
    1 abstaining from water.
    -2 waterless, destitute of water.
    -अर्गल a. without a bolt, unbarred, unobstructed, unrestrained, unimpeded, completely free; M.5; मरणसमये त्यक्त्वा शङ्कां प्रलापनिरर्गलम् Māl.5.26. (
    -लम्) ind. freely.
    -अर्थ a.
    1 void of wealth, poor, indigent; स्त्रियः कृतार्थाः पुरुषं निरर्थं निष्पीडितालक्तकवत्त्यजन्ति Pt.1.194.
    -2 meaningless, un- meaning (as a word or sentence).
    -3 non-sensical.
    -4 vain, useless, purposeless.
    (-र्थः) 1 loss, detriment.
    -2 nonsense.
    -अर्थक a.
    1 useless, vain, unprofitable.
    -2 unmeaning, nonsensical, conveying no reasonable meaning; इत्थं जन्म निरर्थकं क्षितितले$रण्ये यथा मालती S. D.
    -3 (a consonant) not followed by a vowel. (
    -कम्) an expletive; निरर्थकं तु हीत्यादि पूरणैकप्रयोजनम् Chandr.2.6.
    -अलंकृतिः (in Rhet.) want of ornament, simplicity.
    -अवकाश a.
    1 without free space.
    -2 without leisure.
    -अवग्रह a.
    1 'free from restraint', unrestrained, un- checked, uncontrolled, irresistible.
    -2 free, indepen- dent.
    -3 self-willed, head-strong. (
    -हम्) ind.
    1 un- interruptedly.
    -2 intensely, strongly.
    -अवद्य a.
    1 blameless, faultless, unblameable, unobjectionable; हृद्य- निरवद्यरूपो भूपो बभूव Dk.1.
    -2 an epithet of the Supreme Being (having no passions).
    -अवधि a. having no end, unlimited; कथं तूष्णीं सह्यो निरवधिरयं त्वप्रतिविधः U. 3.44;6.3; Māl.1.6.
    -2 continuous; महानाधिव्याधि- र्निरवधिरिदानीं प्रसरतु Māl.4.3.
    1 without parts.
    -2 indivisible.
    -3 without limbs.
    -अवलम्ब a.
    1 unsupported, without support; Ś.6.
    -2 not affording support.
    -3 not depending or relying on.
    -अवशेष a. whole, complete, entire, (निरवशेषेण ind. completely, entirely, fully, totally).
    -अवसाद a. cheerful; Gīt.
    -अव्यय a. eternal, immutable.
    - अशन a. abstaining from food. (
    -नम्) fasting.
    -अश्रि a. even; Kau. A.2.11.
    -अष्ट a. Ved. driven away, scattered. (
    -ष्टः) a horse twentyfour years old.
    -अस्त्र a. weaponless, unarmed.
    -अस्थि a. boneless.
    -अहंकार, -अहंकृति a. free from egotism or pride, humble, lowly; Bg.12.13.
    -अहंकृत a.
    1 having no egotism or self-consciousness.
    -2 without individuality.
    -3 unselfish.
    -अहम् a. free from egotism or self-conceit; ह्यनामरूपं निरहं प्रपद्ये Bhāg. 5.19.4.
    -आकाङ्क्ष a.
    1 wishing nothing, free from desire.
    -2 wanting nothing to fill up or complete (as the sense of a word or sentence).
    -आकार a.
    1 devoid of form, formless, without form.
    -2 ugly, deformed.
    -3 disguised.
    -4 unassuming, modest.
    (-रः) 1 the universal spirit, Almighty.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -3 of Viṣṇu. ˚ज्ञानवादः the doctrine that the perception of the outer world does not arise from images impres- sed on the mind; Sarva. S.
    -आकृति a.
    1 formless, shapeless.
    -2 deformed.
    (-तिः) 1 a religious student who has not duly gone through a course of study, or who has not properly read the Vedas.
    -2 especially, a Brāhmaṇa who has neglected the duties of his caste by not going through a regular course of study; a fool; ग्रामधान्यं यथा शून्यं यथा कूपश्च निर्जलः । यथा हुतमनग्नौ च तथैव स्यान्निराकृतौ ॥ Mb.12.36.48.
    -3 one who neglects the five great religious duties or yajñas; Ms.3.154.
    -आकाश a. leaving no free space, completely filled or occupied,
    -आकुल a.
    1 unconfused, unperplexed, un- bewildered; Ki.11.38.
    -2 steady, calm; सुपात्रनिक्षेपनिरा- कुलात्मना (प्रजासृजा) Śi.1.28.
    -3 clear.
    -4 perspicuous; अलिकुलसङ्कुलकुसुमसमूहनिराकुलबकुलकलापे Gīt.1.
    (-लम्) 1 calmness serenity.
    -2 perspicuity, clearness.
    -आक्रन्द a. not crying or complaining. (
    -दः) a place where no sound can be heard.
    -आक्रोश a. unaccused, unreviled.
    - आगम a. not founded on revelation or scripture, not derived from the Vedas.
    -आगस् a. faultless, innocent, sinless; कथमेकपदे निरागसं जनमाभाष्यमिमं न मन्यसे R.8.48.
    -आचार a. without approved customs or usages, lawless, barbarian.
    -आडम्बर a.
    1 without drums.
    -2 without show, unostentatious.
    -आतङ्क a.
    1 free from fear; R.1.63; निरातङ्को रङ्को विहरति चिरं कोटिकनकैः Śaṅkara (देव्यपराधक्षमापनस्तोत्रम् 6).
    -2 without ailment, comfort- able, healthy.
    -3 not causing pain.
    -4 unchecked, unhampered; निरातङ्कः पङ्केष्विव पिशितपिण्डेषु विलसन् Māl. 5.34. (
    -कः) an epithet of Śiva.
    - आतप a. sheltered from heat, shady, not penetrated by the sun's rays. (
    -पा) the night.
    - आदर a. disrespectful.
    -आदान a.
    1 taking or receiving nothing; Mb.3.
    -2 an epithet of Buddha.
    -आधार a.
    1 without a receptacle.
    -2 without support, supportless (fig. also); निराधारो हा रोदिमि कथय केषामिह पुरः G. L.4.39.
    -आधि a. secure, free from anxiety.
    -आनन्द a. cheerless, sad, sorrowful.
    -आन्त्र a.
    1 disembowelled.
    -2 having the entrails hanging out.
    -आपद् a. free from misfortune or calamity. (-f.) prosperity.
    -आबाध a.
    1 unvexed, unmolested, undis- turbed, free from disturbance.
    -2 unobstructed.
    -3 not molesting or disturbing.
    -4 (in law) frivolously vexatious (as a suit or cause of complaint); e. g. अस्मद्- गृहप्रदीपप्रकाशेनायं स्वगृहे व्यवहरति Mitā.
    1 free from disease or illness, sound, healthy, hale.
    -2 untainted, pure.
    -3 guileless.
    -4 free from defects or blemishes.
    -5 full, complete.
    -6 infallible.
    -7 not liable to failure or miscarriage. (
    -यः, यम्) freedom from disease or illness, health, well-being, welfare, happiness; कुरूणां पाण्डवानां च प्रतिपत्स्व निरामयम् Mb.5.78.8.
    (-यः) 1 a wild goat.
    -2 a hog or boar.
    -आमिष a.
    1 fleshless; निरुपमरसप्रीत्या खादन्नरास्थि निरामिषम् Bh.
    -2 having no sensual desires or covetousness; Ms.6.49.
    -3 receiving no wages or remuneration.
    -आय a. yielding no income or revenue, profitless.
    -यः an idler living from hand to mouth.
    1 full-stretched or extended; निरायतपूर्वकायाः Ś.1.8.
    -2 contracted, compact.
    -आय- -तत्वम् shortness, compactness; निरायतत्वादुदरेण ताम्यता Ki.8.17.
    -आयति a. one whose end is at hand; नियता लघुता निरायतेः Ki.2.14.
    -आयास a. not fatiguing, easy.
    -आयुध a. unarmed, weaponless.
    -आरम्भ a. abstaining from all work (in good sense); Mb.3.82.11.
    -आलम्ब a.
    1 having no prop or support (fig. also); ऊर्ध्वबाहुं निरालम्बं तं राजा प्रत्यभाषत Rām.7.89.1; निरालम्बो लोकः कुलमयशसा नः परिवृतम् Mv.4.53.
    -2 not depending on another, independent.
    -3 self-supported, friendless, alone; निरालम्बो लम्बोदरजननि कं यामि शरणम् Jag. (
    -म्बा) spikenard. (
    -म्बम्) Brahman.
    -आलोक a.
    1 not looking about or seeing.
    -2 deprived of sight.
    -3 deprived of light, dark; निरालोकं लोकम् Māl.5.3; Bhāg.8.24.35.
    -5 invisible. (
    -कः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -आवर्ण a. manifest, evident.
    -आश a.
    1 devoid of hope, despairing or despondent of; मनो बभूवेन्दुमतीनिराशम् R.6.2.
    -2 depriving (one) of all hope.
    -आशक, -आशिन् a. hopeless; अद्य दुर्योधनो राज्याज्जीविताच्च निराशकः (भविष्यति) Mb.8.74.13.
    -आशङ्क a. fearless.
    -आशा hopeless- ness, despair.
    -आशिस् a.
    1 without a boon or blessing, without virtues; आश्रमा विहिताः सर्वे वर्जयित्वा निराशिषम् Mb.12.63.13.
    -2 without any desire, wish or hope, indifferent; निराशीर्यतचित्तात्मा Bg.4.21; जगच्छ- रण्यस्य निराशिषः सतः Ku.5.76.
    -आश्रय a.
    1 without a prop or support, supportless, unsupported; न तिष्ठति निराश्रयं लिङ्गम् Sāṅ. K.41.
    -2 friendless, destitute, alone, without shelter or refuge; निराश्रयाधुना वत्सलता.
    -3 not deep (as a wound).
    -आस्वाद a. tasteless, insipid, un- savoury.
    -आहार a. 'foodless', fasting, abstaining from food. (
    -रः) fasting; कालो$ग्निः कर्म मृद् वायुर्मनो ज्ञानं तपो जलम् । पश्चात्तापो निराहारः सर्वे$मी शुद्धिहेतवः ॥ Y.3.31.
    -इङ्ग a. immovable, stationary; यथा दीपो निवातस्थो निरिङ्गो ज्वलते पुनः Mb.12.46.6.
    -इच्छ a. without wish or desire, indifferent.
    -इन्द्रिय a.
    1 having lost a limb or the use of it.
    -2 mutilated, maimed.
    -3 weak, infirm, frail; Kaṭh.1.1.3.
    -4 barren.
    -5 without प्रमाण or means of certain knowledge; निरिन्द्रिया ह्यमन्त्राश्च स्त्रियो$नृत- मिति स्थितिः Ms.9.18.
    -6 destitute of manly vigour, impotent (Ved.).
    -इन्धन a. destitute of fuel.
    -ईति a. free from the calamities of the season; निरातङ्का निरीतयः R.1.63; see ईति.
    -ईश्वर a. godless, atheistic. -˚वाद atheistic doctrine.
    -ईषम् the body of a plough.
    -ईह a.
    1 desireless, indifferent; निरीहाणामीशस्तृणमिव तिरस्कारविषयः Mu.3.16.
    -2 inactive; निरीहस्य हतद्विषः R.1.24.
    (-हा), -निरीहता, -त्वम् 1 inactivity.
    -2 indifference.
    -उच्छ्वास a.
    1 breathless, without breathing; निरुच्छ्वासं हरिं चक्रुः Rām.7.7.6.
    -2 narrow, contracted; उपेयुषो वर्त्म निरन्तराभिरसौ निरुच्छ्वासमनीकिनीभिः Śi.3.32.
    -3 dead; निरुच्छ्वासाः पुनः केचित् पतिता जगतीतले Rām.6.58.13. (
    -सः) absence of breath; लोका निरुच्छ्वासनिपीडिता भृशम् Bhāg.4. 8.8.
    -उत्तर a.
    1 answerless, without a reply.
    -2 un- able to answer, silenced.
    -3 having no superior.
    -उत्थ a. irrecoverable.
    -उद्धति a. not jolting (a chariot); अभूतल- स्पर्शतया निरुद्धतिः Ś.7.1. (v. l.)
    -उत्सव a. without festivi- ties; विरतं गेयमृतुर्निरुत्सवः R.8.66.
    -उत्साह a.
    1 inactive, indolent.
    -2 devoid of energy.
    (-हः) 1 absence of energy.
    -2 indolence.
    -उत्सुक a.
    1 indifferent.
    -2 calm, tranquil.
    - उदक a. waterless.
    1 having no belly or trunk.
    -2 thin (अतुन्दिल); श्रीमान्निरुदरो महान् Rām.3.16.31.
    -उद्यम, -उद्योग a. effortless, inactive, lazy, idle.
    उद्विग्न, -उद्वेग a. free from excitement or perturbation, sedate, calm.
    -उपक्रम a.
    1 without a commencement.
    -2 incurable.
    -उपद्रव a.
    1 free from calamity or affliction, not visited by danger or adver- sity, lucky, happy, undisturbed, unmolested, free from hostile attacks.
    -2 free from national distress or tyranny.
    -3 causing no affliction.
    -4 auspicious (as a star).
    -5 secure, peaceful.
    -उपधि a. guileless, honest; U.2.2. ˚जीवन a. leading an honest life. (v. l.).
    -उपपत्ति a. unsuitable.
    1 without any title or designation; अरे आर्यचारुदत्तं निरुपपदेन नाम्नालपसि Mk.1.18/19.
    -2 unconnected with a subordinate word.
    -उपप्लव a.
    1 free from disturbance, obstacle or calamity, unharmed; निरुपप्लवानि नः कर्माणि संवृत्तानि Ś3.
    -2 not causing any affliction or misery.
    -3 an epithet of Śiva.
    -उपभोग a. without enjoyment; संसरति निरुपभोगं भावैरधिवासितं लिङ्गम् Sāṅ. K.4.
    - उपम a. peerless, matchless, incomparable.
    -उपसर्ग free from portents.
    -उपस्कृत a. not corrupted, pure; of self-denying temperament; शमेन तपसा चैव भक्त्या च निरुपस्कृतः । शुद्धात्मा ब्राह्मणो रात्रौ निदर्शनमपश्यत ॥ Mb.12.271.14.
    1 not injured, unhurt.
    -2 auspicious, lucky.
    -उपाख्य a.
    1 unreal, false, non-existent (as वन्ध्यापुत्र).
    -2 immaterial.
    -3 invisible. (
    -ख्यम्) the supreme Brahman.
    -उपाधि (क) a. without qualities, absolute.
    -उपाय a.
    1 without expedients, helpless.
    -2 unsuc- cessful.
    -उपेक्ष a.
    1 free from trick or fraud.
    -2 not neglectful.
    -उष्मन् a. devoid of heat, cold.
    -गन्ध a. void of smell, scentless, unfragrant, inodorous; निर्गन्धा इव किंशुकाः. ˚पुष्पी f. the Śālmali tree.
    -गर्व a. free from pride.
    -गवाक्ष a. windowless.
    -गुण a.
    1 stringless (as a bow).
    -2 devoid of all properties.
    -3 devoid of good qualities, bad, worthless; निर्गुणः शोभते नैव विपुलाड- म्बरो$पि ना Bv.1.115.
    -4 without attributes; साकारं च निराकारं सगुणं निर्गुणं विभुम् Brahmavai. P.
    -5 having no epithet. (
    -णः) the Supreme Spirit. ˚आत्मक a. having no qualities.
    -गृहः a. houseless, homeless; सुगृही निर्गृही- कृता Pt.39.
    -गौरव a.
    1 without dignity, undignified.
    -2 devoid of respect.
    -ग्रन्थ a.
    1 freed from all ties or hindrances; आत्मारामाश्च मुनयो निर्ग्रन्था अप्युरुक्रमे । कुर्वन्त्यहैतुकीं भक्तिम् Bhāg.1.7.1.
    -2 poor, possessionless, beggarly.
    -3 alone, unassisted.
    (-न्थः) 1 an idiot, a fool.
    -2 a gambler.
    -3 a saint or devotee who has renounced all worldly attachments and wanders about naked and lives as a hermit.
    -4 A Buddha Muni.
    -ग्रन्थक a.
    1 clever, expert.
    -2 unaccompanied, alone.
    -3 deserted, abandoned.
    -4 fruitless. (
    -कः 1 a religious mendicant.
    -2 a naked devotee.
    -3 a gam- bler.
    -ग्रन्थिक a. clever. (
    -कः) a naked mendicant, a Jaina mendicant of the Digambara class.
    -घटम् 1 a free market.
    -2 a crowded market.
    -घण्टः See निघण्टः.
    -घृण a.
    1 cruel, merciless, pitiless.
    -2 shame- less, immodest.
    -घृणा cruelty.
    -घोष a. noiseless, still, calm.
    -जन a.
    1 tenantless, uninhabited, unfrequented, lonely, desolate.
    -2 without any retinue or attendants; भूयश्चैवाभिरक्षन्तु निर्धनान्निर्जना इव Mb.12.151.7. (
    -नम्) a desert, solitude, lonely place.
    -जन्तु a. free from living germs; H. Yoga.
    -जर a.
    1 young, fresh.
    -2 imperishable, immortal. (
    -रः) a deity, god; (nom. pl. निर्जराः -निर्जरसः) (
    -रम्) ambrosia, nectar.
    -जरायु a. Ved. skinless.
    -जल a.
    1 waterless, desert, destitute of water.
    -2 not mixed with water. (
    -लः) a waste, desert. ˚एकादशी N. of the eleventh day in the bright half of Jyeṣṭha.
    -जाड्य free from coldness.
    -जिह्वः a frog.
    -जीव a.
    1 lifeless.
    -2 dead; चिता दहति निर्जीवं चिन्ता दहति जीवितम्.
    -ज्ञाति a. having no kinsmen, alone.
    -ज्वर a. feverless, healthy.
    -दण्डः a Śūdra.
    -दय a.
    1 merci- less, cruel, pitiless, unmerciful, unkind.
    -2 passion- ate.
    -3 very close, firm or fast, strong, excessive, violent; मुग्धे विधेहि मयि निर्दयदन्तदंशम् Gīt.1; निर्दयरति- श्रमालसाः R.19.32; निर्दयाश्लेषहेतोः Me.18.
    -4 unpitied by any; निर्दया निर्नमस्कारास्तन्मनोरनुशासनम् Ms.9.239.
    -दयम् ind.
    1 unmercifully, cruelly.
    -2 violently, excessively; न प्रहर्तुमलमस्मि निर्दयम् R.11.84.
    -दश a. more than ten days old; यदा पशुर्निर्दशः स्यादथ मेध्यो भवे- दिति Bhāg.9.7.11.
    - दशन a. toothless.
    -दाक्षिण्य a. uncourteous.
    -दुःख a.
    1 free from pain, painless.
    -2 not causing pain.
    -दैन्य a. happy, comfortable.
    -दोष a.
    1 faultless, defectless; न निर्दोषं न निर्गुणम्
    -2 guiltless, innocent.
    -द्रव्य a.
    1 immaterial.
    -2 without property, poor.
    -द्रोह a. not hostile, friendly, well-disposed, not malicious.
    -द्वन्द्व a.
    1 indifferent in regard to opposite pairs of feelings (pleasure or pain), neither glad nor sorry; निर्द्वन्द्वो निर्ममो भूत्वा चरिष्यामि मृगैः सह Mb.1.85.16; निर्द्वन्द्वो नित्यसत्त्वस्थो निर्योगक्षेम आत्मवान् Bg.2.45.
    -2 not dependent upon another, independent.
    -3 free from jealousy or envy.
    -4 not double.
    -5 not contested, un- disputed.
    -6 not acknowledging two principles.
    -धन a. without property, poor, indigent; शशिनस्तुल्यवंशो$पि निर्धनः परिभूयते Chāṇ.82. (
    -नः) an old ox. ˚ता, ˚त्वम् poverty, indigence.
    -धर्म a. unrighteous, impious, unholy.
    -धूम a. smokeless.
    -धौत a. cleansed, rendered clean; निर्धौत- दानामलगण्डभित्तिर्वन्यः सरित्तो गज उन्ममज्ज R.5.43.
    -नमस्कार a.
    1 not courteous or civil, not respecting any one.
    -2 disrespected, despised.
    -नर a. abandoned by men, deserted.
    -नाणक a. coinless, penniless; Mk.2.
    -नाथ a. without a guardian or master. ˚ता
    1 want of protection.
    -2 widowhood.
    -3 orphanage.
    -नाभि a. going or reaching beyond the navel; निर्नाभि कौशेयमुपात्तबाणम् Ku.7.7.
    -नायक a. having no leader or ruler, anarchic.
    -नाशन, -नाशिन् a. expelling, banishing.
    -निद्र a. sleepless, wakeful.
    -निमित्त a.
    1 causeless.
    -2 disinterested.
    -निमेष a. not twinkling.
    -बन्धु a. without kindred or relation, friendless.
    -बल n. powerless, weak, feeble.
    -बाध a.
    1 unobstructed.
    -2 unfrequented, lonely, solitary.
    -3 unmolested.
    (-धः) 1 a part of the marrow.
    -2 a knob.
    -बीज a. seedless, impotent. (
    -जा) a sort of grape (Mar. बेदाणा).
    -बुद्धि a. stupid, ignorant, foolish.
    -बुष, -बुस a. unhusked, freed from chaff.
    -भक्त a. taken without eating (as a medicine).
    -भय a.
    1 fearless, undaunted.
    -2 free from danger, safe, secure; निर्भयं तु भवेद्यस्य राष्ट्रं बाहुबलाश्रितम् Ms.9.255.
    -भर a.
    1 excessive, vehement, violent, much, strong; त्रपाभरनिर्भर- स्मरशर &c. Gīt.12; तन्व्यास्तिष्ठतु निर्भरप्रणयिता मानो$पि रम्यो- दयः Amaru.47.
    -2 ardent.
    -3 fast, close (as embrace); कुचकुम्भनिर्भरपरीरम्भामृतं वाञ्छति Gīt.; परिरभ्य निर्भरम् Gīt.1.
    -4 sound, deep (as sleep).
    -5 full of, filled with (at the end of comp.); आनन्द˚, गर्व˚ &c. (
    -रः) a servant receiving no wages. (
    -रम्) excess. (
    -रम् ind.)
    1 ex- cessively, exceedingly, intensely.
    -2 soundly.
    -भाग्य a. unfortunate, unlucky.
    -भाज्य a. to be separated; स निर्भाज्यः स्वकादंशात् किंचिद्दत्वोपजीवनम् Ms.9.27.
    -भृतिः a. without wages, hireless.
    -भोगः a. not fond of plea- sures.
    -मक्षिक a. 'free from flies', undisturbed, private, lonely. (
    -कम्) ind. without flies, i. e. lonely, private; कृतं भवतेदानीं निर्मक्षिकम् Ś.2,6.
    -मज्ज a. fatless, meagre.
    -मत्सर a. free from envy, unenvious; निर्मत्सरे मत्समे वत्स... वसुन्धराभारमारोप्य Rāmāyaṇachampū.
    -मत्स्य a. fishless.
    -मद a.
    1 not intoxicated, sober, quiet.
    -2 not proud, humble.
    -3 sad, sorry.
    -4 not in rut (as an elephant).
    -मनुज, -मनुष्य a. tenantless, uninhabited, deserted by men.
    -मन्तु a. faultless, innocent.
    -मन्त्र a.
    1 a ceremony, unaccompanied by holy texts.
    -2 not familiar with holy texts; Mb.12.36.43.
    -मन्यु, -मन्युक a. free from anger; Mb.5.133.4.
    -मम a.
    1 free from all connections with the outer world, who has renounced all worldly ties; संसारमिव निर्ममः (ततार) R.12.6; Bg.2.71; निराशीर्निर्ममो भूत्वा युध्यस्व विगतज्वरः 3.3.
    -2 unselfish, disinterested.
    -3 indifferent to (with loc.); निर्ममे निर्ममो$र्थेषु मथुरां मधुराकृतिः R.15.28; प्राप्तेष्वर्थेषु निर्ममाः Mb.
    -4 an epithet of Śiva.
    -मर्याद a.
    1 boundless, immeasurable.
    -2 transgressing the limits of right or propriety, unrestrained, unruly, sinful, criminal; मनुजपशुभिर्निर्मर्यादैर्भवद्भिरुदायुधैः Ve.3.22.
    -3 confused.
    -4 insolent, immodest. (
    -दम्) ind. confusedly, topsy- turvy. (
    -दम्) confusion, disorder.
    -मल a.
    1 free from dirt or impurities, clear, pure, stainless, unsullied (fig. also); नीरान्निर्मलतो जनिः Bv.1.63.
    -2 resplendent, bright; Bh.1.56.
    -3 sinless, virtuous; निर्मलाः स्वर्गमायान्ति सन्तः सुकृतिनो यथा Ms.8.318.
    (-लम्) 1 talc.
    -2 the remainings of an offering made to a deity. ˚उपलः a crystal.
    - मशक a. free from gnats.
    -मांस a. fleshless; स्वल्प- स्नायुवसावशेषमलिनं निर्मांसमप्यस्थिकम् Bh.2.3.
    -मान a.
    1 without self-confidence.
    -2 free from pride.
    -मानुष a. uninhabited, desolate.
    -मार्ग a. roadless, pathless.
    -मिथ्य a. not false, true; H. Yoga.
    -मुटः 1 a tree bearing large blossoms.
    -2 the sun.
    -3 a rogue. (
    -टम्) a large free market or fair.
    -मूल a.
    1 rootless (as a tree).
    -2 baseless, unfounded (statement, charge &c.).
    -3 eradicated.
    -मेघ a. cloudless.
    -मेध a. without un- derstanding, stupid, foolish, dull.
    -मोह a. free from illusion. (
    -हः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -यत्न a. inactive, lazy, dull.
    -यन्त्रण a.
    1 unrestrained, unobstructed, uncontrolled, unrestricted.
    -2 unruly, self-willed, in- dependent.
    (-णम्) 1 squeezing out.
    -2 absence of restraint, independence.
    -यशस्क a. without fame, dis- creditable, inglorious.
    -युक्त a.
    1 constructed, built.
    -2 directed.
    -3 (in music) limited to metre and mea- sure.
    -युक्ति f.
    1 disunion.
    -2 absence of connection or government.
    -3 unfitness, impropriety.
    -युक्तिक a.
    1 disjoined, unconnected.
    -2 illogical, unmeaning.
    -3 unfit, improper.
    -यूथ a. separated from the herd, strayed from the flock (as an elephant).
    -यूष = निर्यास.
    -योगक्षेम a. free from care (about acquisition); Bg.2. 45.
    -रक्त a. (
    -नीरक्त) colourless, faded.
    -रज, -रजस्क a.
    (-नीरज, नीरजस्क) 1 free from dust.
    -2 devoid of passion or darkness. (
    -जः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -रजस् (नरिजस्) a. see
    नीरज. (-f.) a woman not men- struating. ˚तमसा absence of passion or darkness.
    -रत (नीरत) a. not attached to, indifferent.
    -रन्ध्र a.
    (नीरन्ध्र) 1 without holes or interstices, very close or contiguous, thickly situated; नीरन्ध्रनीरनिचुलानि सरित्तटानि U.2.23.
    -2 thick, dense.
    -3 coarse, gross.
    -रव a. (
    -नीरव) not making any noise, noiseless; गतिविभ्रमसाद- नीरवा (रसना) R.8.58.
    -रस a.
    (नीरस) 1 tasteless, unsavoury, flavourless.
    -2 (fig.) insipid, without any poetic charm; नीरसानां पद्मानाम् S. D.1.
    -3 sapless, without juice, withered or dried up; Ś. Til.9.
    -4 vain, use- less, fruitless; अलब्धफलनीरसान् मम विधाय तस्मिन् जने V.2.11.
    -5 disagreeable.
    -6 cruel, merciless. (
    -सः) the pomegranate.
    - रसन a. (
    नीरसन) having no girdle (रसना); Ki.5.11.
    -रुच् a. (
    नीरुच्) without lustre, faded, dim; परिमलरुचिराभिर्न्यक्कृतास्तु प्रभाते युवतिभिरुप- भोगान्नीरुचः पुष्पमालाः Śi.11.27.
    -रुज्, -रुज a. (नीरुज्, नीरुज) free from sickness, healthy, sound; नीरुजस्य किमौषधैः H.1.
    -रूप a. (नीरूप) formless, shapeless.
    (-पः) 1 air, wind.
    -2 a god. (
    -पम्) ether.
    -रोग a. (नीरोग) free from sickness or disease, healthy, sound; यथा नेच्छति नीरोगः कदाचित् सुचिकित्सकम् Pt.1.118.
    -लक्षण a.
    1 having no auspicious marks, ill-featured.
    -2 undisting- uished.
    -3 unimportant, insignificant.
    -4 unspotted.
    -5 having a white back.
    -लक्ष्य a. invisible.
    -लज्ज a. shameless, impudent.
    -लाञ्छनम् the marking of dome- stic animals (by perforating the nose &c.).
    -लिङ्ग a. having no distinguishing or characteristic marks.
    -लिप्त a.
    1 unanointed.
    -2 undefiled, unsullied.
    -3 indifferent to.
    (-प्तः) 1 N. of Kṛiṣṇa.
    -2 a sage.
    -लून a. cut through or off.
    -लेप a.
    1 unsmeared, unanointed; निर्लेपं काञ्चनं भाण्डमद्भिरेव विशुध्यति Ms.5.112.
    -2 stainless, sinless. (
    -पः) a sage.
    -लोभ a. free from desire or avarice, unavaricious.
    -लोमन् a. devoid of hair, hairless.
    -वंश a. without posterity, childless.
    1 not speaking, silent.
    -2 unobjectionable, blameless; (for other senses see the word separately).
    -नम् ind. silently; माल्येन तां निर्वचनं जघान Ku.7.19.
    -वण, -वन a.
    1 being out of a wood.
    -2 free from woods.
    -3 bare, open.
    -वत्सल a. not loving or fondling (esp. children); निर्वत्सले सुतशतस्य विपत्तिमेतां त्वं नानुचिन्तयसि Ve.5.3.
    -वर = निर्दरम् q. v.
    -वसु a. destitute of wealth, poor.
    -वाच्य a.
    1 not fit to be said.
    -2 blameless, unobjectionable; सखीषु निर्वाच्य- मधार्ष्ट्यदूषितं प्रियाङ्गसंश्लेषमवाप मानिनी Ki.8.48.
    -वात a. free or sheltered from wind, calm, still; हिमनिष्यन्दिनी प्रातर्निर्वातेव वनस्थली R.15.66. (
    -तः) a place sheltered from or not exposed to wind; निर्वाते व्यजनम् H.2.124.
    -वानर a. free from monkeys.
    -वायस a. free from crows.
    -वार्य a.
    1 irresistible.
    -2 acting fearlessly or boldly.
    -विकल्प, -विकल्पक a.
    1 not admitting an alternative.
    -2 being without determination or resolu- tion.
    -3 not capable of mutual relation.
    -4 conditioned.
    -5 undeliberative.
    -6 recognizing no such distinction as that of subject and object, or of the knower and the known; as applied to समाधि or contemplation, it is 'an exclusive concentration upon the one entity without distinct and separate consciousness of the knower, the known, and the knowing, and without even self-consciousness'; निर्विकल्पकः ज्ञातृज्ञानादिविकल्पभेद- लयापेक्षः; नो चेत् चेतः प्रविश सहसा निर्विकल्पे समाधौ Bh.3.61; आत्मारामा विहितरतयो निर्विकल्पे समाधौ Ve.1.23.
    -7 (in phil.) not arising from the relation of the qualifier and the qualified, (विशेषणविशेष्यसंबन्धानवगाहि प्रत्यक्षं ज्ञानम्) said of knowledge not derived from the senses, as घटत्व. (
    -ल्पम्) ind. without hesitation or wavering.
    -विकार a.
    1 unchanged, unchangeable, immutable.
    -2 not dispos- ed; तौ स्थास्यतस्ते नृपती निदेशे परस्परावग्रहनिर्विकारौ M.5.14.
    -3 disinterested; तरुविटपलतानां बान्धवो निर्विकारः Ṛs.2.28. (
    -रः) the Supreme deity.
    -विकास a. unblown.
    -विघ्न a. uninterrupted, unobstructed, free from impediments; निर्विघ्नं कुरु मे देव सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा. (
    -घ्नम्) absence of impedi- ment.
    -विचार a. not reflecting, thoughtless, incon- siderate; रे रे स्वैरिणि निर्विचारकविते मास्मत्प्रकाशीभव Chandr. 1.2. (
    -रम्) ind. thoughtlessly, unhesitatingly.
    -वि- चिकित्स a. free from doubt or reflection.
    -विचेष्ट a. motionless, insensible; यो हि दिष्टमुपासीनो निर्विचेष्टः सुखं शयेत् Mb.3.32.14.
    -वितर्क a. unreflecting.
    -विनोद a. without amusement, void of pastime, diversion or solace; शङ्के रात्रौ गुरुतरशुचं निर्विनोदां सखीं ते Me.9.
    -विन्ध्या N. of a river in the Vindhya hills; निर्विन्ध्यायाः पथि भव रसाभ्यन्तरः सन्निपत्य Me.28.
    -विमर्श a.
    1 void of reflec- tion, thoughtless.
    -2 not having विमर्श Sandhi.
    -विवर a.
    1 having no opening or cavity.
    2 without interstices or interval, close, compact; घटते हि संहततया जनितामिदमेव निर्विवरतां दधतोः Śi.9.44.
    -विवाद a.
    1 not contending or disagreeing.
    -2 undisputed, not contra- dicted or disputed, universally acknowledged.
    -विवेक a. indiscreet, void of judgment, wanting in discrimination, foolish.
    -विशङ्क a. fearless, undaunted, confident; Ms.7.176; यस्मिन्कृत्यं समावेश्य निर्विशङ्केन चेतसा । आस्यते सेवकः स स्यात् कलत्रमिव चापरम् ॥ Pt.1.85.
    -विशेष a. showing or making no difference, indiscriminating, without dis- tinction; निर्विशेषा वयं त्वयि Mb.; निर्विशेषो विशेषः Bh.3.5. 'a difference without distinction'.
    -2 having no difference, same, like, not differing from (oft. in comp.); निर्विशेषाकृति 'having the same form'; प्रवातनीलो- त्पलनिर्विशेषम् Ku.1.46; स निर्विशेषप्रतिपत्तिरासीत् R.14.22.
    -3 indiscriminate, promiscuous. (
    -षः) absence of difference. (निर्विशेषम् and निर्विशेषेण are used adverbially in the sense of 'without difference', 'equally', indiscrimi- nately'; क्रुद्धेन विप्रमुक्तो$यं निर्विशेषं प्रियाप्रिये Rām.7.22.41. स्वगृहनिर्विशेषमत्र स्थीयताम् H.1; R.5.6.).
    -विशेषण a. without attributes.
    -विष a. poisonless (as a snake); निर्विषा डुण्डुभाः स्मृताः.
    -विषङ्ग a. not attached, indifferent.
    -विषय a.
    1 expelled or driven away from one's home, residence or proper place; मनोनिर्विषयार्थकामया Ku.5.38; R.9.32; also
    -निर्विषयीकृत; वने प्राक्कलनं तीर्थं ये ते निर्विषयी- कृताः Rām.2.14.4.
    -2 having no scope or sphere of action; किंच एवं काव्यं प्रविरलविषयं निर्विषयं वा स्यात् S. D.1.
    -3 not attached to sensual objects (as mind).
    -विषाण a. destitute of horns.
    -विहार a. having no pleasure.
    -वीज, -बीज a.
    1 seedless.
    -2 impotent.
    -3 causeless.
    -वीर a.
    1 deprived of heroes; निर्वीरमुर्वीतलम् P. R.1.31.
    -2 cowardly.
    -वीरा a woman whose husband and children are dead.
    -वीर्य a. powerless, feeble, unmanly, impotent; निर्वीर्यं गुरुशापभाषितवशात् किं मे तवेवायुधम् Ve.3.34.
    -वीरुध, -वृक्ष a. treeless.
    -वृत्ति f. accomplishment, achievement; अत आसां निर्वृत्त्या अपवर्गः स्यात् । आतण्डुलनिर्वृत्तेः आ च पिष्टनिर्वृत्तेरभ्यास इति ॥ ŚB. on MS.11.1.27. -a. having no occupation, destitute. See निर्वृति.
    -वृष a. depriv- ed of bulls.
    -वेग a. not moving, quiet, calm.
    -वेतन a honorary, unsalaried.
    -वेद a. not acknowledging the Vedas, an atheist, infidel.
    -वेष्टनम् a. a weaver's shuttle.
    -वैर a. free from enmity, amicable, peaceable. (
    -रम्) absence of enmity.
    -वैलक्ष्य a. shameless.
    -व्यञ्जन a.
    1 straight-forward.
    -2 without condiment. (
    -नम् ind.) plainly, in a straight-forward or honest manner.
    -व्यथ, -न a.
    1 free from pain.
    -2 quiet, calm.
    -व्यथनम् a hole; छिद्रं निर्व्यथनम् Ak.
    -व्यपेक्ष a. indifferent to, regardless of; मृग्यश्च दर्भाङ्कुरनिर्व्यपेक्षास्तवागतिज्ञं समबोधयन् माम् R.13.25;14.39.
    -व्यलीक a.
    1 not hurting or offending.
    -2 without pain.
    -3 pleased, doing anything willingly.
    -4 sincere, genuine, undissembling.
    -व्यवधान a. (ground) uncovered, bare.
    -व्यवश्थ a. moving hither and thither.
    -व्यसन a. free from bad inclination.
    -व्याकुल a. calm.
    -व्याघ्र a. not haunted or infested by tigers.
    -व्याज a.
    1 candid, upright, honest, plain.
    -2 without fraud, true, genuine.
    -3 got by heroism or daring deeds (not by fraud or cowardly conduct); अशस्त्रपूतनिर्व्याजम् (महामांसम्) Māl.5.12. (v. l.)
    -4 not hypocritical; धर्मस्य निर्व्याजता (विभूषणम्) Bh.2.82. (
    -जम् ind.) plainly, honestly, candidly; निर्व्याजमालिङ्गितः Amaru.85.
    -व्याजीकृत a. made plain, freed from deceit.
    -व्यापार a.
    1 without employment or business, free from occupation; तं दधन्मैथिलीकण्ठनिर्व्यापारेण बाहुना R.15.56.
    -2 motionless; U.6.
    -व्यावृत्ति a. not invol- ving any return (to worldly existence).
    -व्रण a.
    1 un- hurt, without wounds.
    -2 without rents.
    -व्रत a. not observing vows.
    -व्रीड a. shameless, impudent.
    -हिमम् cessation of winter.
    -हेति a. weaponless.
    -हेतु a. cause- less, having no cause or reason.
    -ह्रीक a.
    1 shameless, impudent.
    -2 bold, daring.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > निर् _nir

  • 9 вообще и в частности

    Calorimetric methods generally and bolometric methods specifically (or in particular) are almost universally used.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > вообще и в частности

  • 10 вообще и в частности

    Calorimetric methods generally and bolometric methods specifically (or in particular) are almost universally used.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > вообще и в частности

  • 11 allgemein

    (abgek. allg.)
    I Adj.
    1. (alle[s] betreffend) general; (üblich) common; (umfassend) overall; stärker: universal; von allgemeinem Interesse of general interest; auf allgemeinen Wunsch by popular request ( oder demand); mit allgemeiner Billigung by common consent; allgemeine Zustimmung finden meet with general approval; allgemeines Mittel universal remedy; allgemeine Redensart generality; allgemeine Wahlen general election(s); allgemeines Wahlrecht universal suffrage; allgemeine Wehrpflicht universal conscription, compulsory military service; allgemeine Schulpflicht compusory education; Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse (abgek. AOK) statutory health insurance company
    2. (öffentlich) public; das allgemeine Wohl the common good, the public welfare
    3. (ohne Details) Frage, Darstellung: general, generic; im Allgemeinen generally, in general; (im Ganzen) on the whole; das Allgemeine und das Besondere the general and the particular; vom Allgemeinen auf das Besondere schließen infer the particular from the general, instantiate (s. th. [general] in s.th. [special]); das ist mir viel zu allgemein that’s much too general for my taste
    II Adv.
    1. in general, generally; es ist allgemein bekannt, dass... it’s a well-known fact that..., it is common knowledge that...; allgemein bildende Schulen etwa comprehensive schools, Am. ordinary public schools; allgemein gebrauchtes Wort (alltägliches) word in general use; allgemein gültig universally applicable ( oder valid), general rule; es ist allgemein üblich, dass man... it’s ( oder that’s) common practi|ce (Am. -se) to...; allgemein verbindlich generally binding; allgemein verbreitet widespread, popular; allgemein verständlich comprehensible, simple
    2. (Ggs. konkret, detailliert) generally; (oberbegrifflich) generically; allgemein anerkannt generally accepted; allgemein gesprochen generally speaking; allgemein gehalten general; allgemein gebrauchtes Wort (Ggs. speziell) word used in a general sense
    * * *
    generally (Adv.); common (Adj.); nationwide (Adj.); commonly (Adv.); overall (Adj.); universal (Adj.); general (Adj.)
    * * *
    ạll|ge|mein ['algə'main]
    1. adj
    general; Ablehnung, Zustimmung auch common; Feiertag public; Regelungen, Wahlrecht universal; Wehrpflicht compulsory; (= öffentlich) public, general

    im Allgemeinenin general, generally

    im allgeméínen Interesse — in the common interest, in the public interest

    von allgeméínem Interesse — of general interest

    auf allgeméínen Wunsch — by popular or general request

    die allgeméíne Meinung — the general opinion, the generally held opinion, public opinion

    das allgeméíne Wohl — the common good, (the) public welfare, the public good

    allgeméínes Aufsehen erregen — to cause or create a sensation

    die Diskussion darüber wurde allgeméín — a general discussion developed

    wir sind ganz allgeméín geblieben (inf)we stayed on a general level

    2. adv
    (= überall, bei allen, von allen) generally; (= ausnahmslos von allen) universally; (= generell) generally, in the main, for the most part; (= nicht spezifisch) in general terms

    seine Thesen sind so allgeméín abgefasst, dass... — his theses are worded in such general terms that...

    du kannst doch nicht so allgeméín behaupten, dass... — you can't make such a generalization and say that..., you can't generalize like that and say that...

    seine Thesen sind so allgeméín abgefasst, dass... — his theses are worded in such general terms that...

    du kannst doch nicht so allgeméín behaupten, dass... — you can't make such a generalization and say that..., you can't generalize like that and say that...

    es ist allgeméín bekannt — it's common knowledge

    es ist allgeméín üblich, etw zu tun — it's the general rule that we/they etc do sth, it's commonly or generally the practice to do sth

    allgeméín verbindlich — generally binding

    allgeméín verständlich (adjektivisch) — generally intelligible, intelligible to all; (adverbial) in a way intelligible to all

    etw allgeméín verständlich ausdrückento express sth in a way which everyone can understand

    allgeméín verbreitet — widespread

    allgeméín zugänglich — open to all, open to the general public

    * * *
    1) ((of a name, term etc) referring to several similar objects etc: `Furniture' is a generic term for chairs, tables etc.) generic
    2) (general; not detailed: We discussed the plans in broad outline.) broad
    3) (publicly owned: common property.) common
    4) (of, involving etc all, most or very many people, things etc: The general feeling is that he is stupid; His general knowledge is good although he is not good at mathematics.) general
    5) (covering a large number of cases: a general rule.) general
    6) (without details: I'll just give you a general idea of the plan.) general
    7) (usually; by most people; on the whole: He is generally disliked; He generally wins.) generally
    8) (amongst, or by, most people: He was popularly believed to have magical powers.) popularly
    9) (in general: Generally speaking, men are stronger than women.) generally speaking
    * * *
    I. adj
    1. attr (alle betreffend) general
    \allgemeine Feiertage national holidays
    im \allgemeinen Interesse liegen [o sein] to be in everyone's interests [or in the common interest]
    von \allgemeinem Interesse sein to be of interest to everyone
    \allgemeine Vorschriften universal regulations, regulations applying to everyone
    das \allgemeine Wahlrecht universal suffrage
    die \allgemeine Wehrpflicht military service
    2. attr (allen gemeinsam) general, public
    zur \allgemeinen Überraschung to everyone's surprise
    das \allgemeine Wohl the common good
    \allgemeine Zustimmung finden/auf \allgemeine Ablehnung stoßen to meet with general approval/disapproval
    die Frage war \allgemeiner Natur the question was of a rather general nature
    im A\allgemeinen (normalerweise) generally speaking; (insgesamt) on the whole
    II. adv
    1. (allerseits, überall) generally
    \allgemein bekannt/üblich sein to be common knowledge/practice
    \allgemein gültig general, universally applicable
    \allgemein verbindlich generally binding
    \allgemein verbreitet widespread
    \allgemein verständlich intelligible to everybody
    \allgemein zugänglich sein to be open to the general public
    2. (nicht spezifisch) generally
    der Vortrag war leider sehr \allgemein gehalten unfortunately the lecture was rather general [or lacked focus]
    * * *
    Adjektiv general; universal <conscription, suffrage>; universally applicable <law, rule>

    auf allgemeinen Wunschby popular or general request

    im allgemeinen Interesse — in the common interest; in everybody's interest

    im allgemeinen — in general; generally


    es ist allgemein bekannt, dass... — it is common knowledge that...

    allgemein bildend<school, course, etc.> providing a general or an all-round or (Amer.) all-around education

    allgemein gültiguniversally or generally applicable <law, rule>; universally or generally valid <law of nature, definition, thesis>

    allgemein verständlichcomprehensible or intelligible to all postpos.

    2) (oft abwertend): (unverbindlich) <write, talk, discuss, examine, be worded> in general terms
    * * *
    allgemein (abk allg.)
    A. adj
    1. (alle[s] betreffend) general; (üblich) common; (umfassend) overall; stärker: universal;
    von allgemeinem Interesse of general interest;
    auf allgemeinen Wunsch by popular request ( oder demand);
    mit allgemeiner Billigung by common consent;
    allgemeine Zustimmung finden meet with general approval;
    allgemeines Mittel universal remedy;
    allgemeine Wahlen general election(s);
    allgemeines Wahlrecht universal suffrage;
    allgemeine Wehrpflicht universal conscription, compulsory military service;
    allgemeine Schulpflicht compusory education;
    2. (öffentlich) public;
    das allgemeine Wohl the common good, the public welfare
    3. (ohne Details) Frage, Darstellung: general, generic;
    im Allgemeinen generally, in general; (im Ganzen) on the whole;
    das Allgemeine und das Besondere the general and the particular;
    vom Allgemeinen auf das Besondere schließen infer the particular from the general, instantiate (s. th. [general] in sth [special]);
    das ist mir viel zu allgemein that’s much too general for my taste
    B. adv
    1. in general, generally;
    es ist allgemein bekannt, dass … it’s a well-known fact that…, it is common knowledge that …;
    es ist allgemein üblich, dass man … it’s ( oder that’s) common practice (US -se) to …;
    allgemein verbindlich generally binding;
    allgemein verbreitet widespread, popular;
    allgemein verständlich comprehensible, simple
    2. (Ggs konkret, detailliert) generally; (oberbegrifflich) generically;
    allgemein anerkannt generally accepted;
    allgemein gesprochen generally speaking;
    allgemein gebrauchtes Wort (Ggs speziell) word used in a general sense
    * * *
    Adjektiv general; universal <conscription, suffrage>; universally applicable <law, rule>

    auf allgemeinen Wunschby popular or general request

    im allgemeinen Interesse — in the common interest; in everybody's interest

    im allgemeinen — in general; generally


    es ist allgemein bekannt, dass... — it is common knowledge that...

    allgemein bildend<school, course, etc.> providing a general or an all-round or (Amer.) all-around education

    allgemein gültiguniversally or generally applicable <law, rule>; universally or generally valid <law of nature, definition, thesis>

    allgemein verständlichcomprehensible or intelligible to all postpos.

    2) (oft abwertend): (unverbindlich) <write, talk, discuss, examine, be worded> in general terms
    * * *
    abstract adj.
    common adj.
    general adj.
    generic adj.
    nationwide adj.
    public adj. adv.
    generally adv.
    generically adv.
    popularly adv.
    universally adv. präp.
    across the board expr.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > allgemein

  • 12 τε

    τε, enclitic Particle, with two main uses (v. infr. A, B).
    A as a Conjunction,
    I τε.. τε, both.. and, joining single words, phrases, clauses, or sentences, the first τε merely pointing forward to the second,

    ἀνδρῶν τε θεῶν τε Il.1.544


    ἀγαθῶν τε κακῶν τε Hes.Op. 669


    δίψῃ τε λιμῷ τε A.Pers. 491

    , cf. S.Aj.34,35, Ar.Ach. 370, 375;

    τήν τε νῆσον τήν τε ἤπειρον Th.4.8

    , cf. Antipho 2.3.3, Pl. R. 373b;

    λυσόμενός τε θύγατρα, φέρων τ' ἀπερείσι' ἄποινα Il.1.13

    ; παῖδά τε σοὶ ἀγέμεν Φοίβῳ θ' ἱερὴν ἑκατόμβην ῥέξαι ib. 443; the elements joined by τε.. τε are usu. short in Hom., longer in later Gr., e.g.

    ἐπειδὴ πρόξενοί τέ εἰσιν Ἀθηναίων καὶ εὐεργέται.., ἔν τε τῇ στήλῃ γέγραπται IG12.103.7


    ἥ τε γὰρ γῆ.. εὔυδρός ἐστι, ποταμοί τε δι' αὐτῆς ῥέουσι Hdt.4.47

    ; χρὴ.. τούς τε πρεσβυτέρους ὁμοιωθῆναι τοῖς πρὶν ἔργοις, τούς τε νεωτέρους.. μὴ αἰσχῦναι κτλ. Th.4.92, cf. Pl.R. 474c, X.Cyr.1.4.25, Is.1.50; τά τε γὰρ ληφθέντα πάντ' ἂν σῴζοιτο οἵ τ' ἀδικήσαντες κατ' ἀξίαν λάβοιεν τὰ ἐπιτίμια Aen. Tact.16.8, cf. Gp.2.49.1, 12.3.2-3;

    τούτου γὰρ γενομένου.. τά τε ἐχφόρια Χρυσέρμῳ δυνήσομαι ἀποδοῦναι, ἐγώ τε ἔσομαι παρὰ σοῦ φιλανθρωπίας τετευχώς PEnteux.60.11

    (iii B.C.);

    κλείειν τε τὰ βλέφαρα δεομένων ἐλπιζόντων τε κοιμηθήσεσθαι Gal.16.494

    , cf. 495,501; this use is common at all times in οὔτε.. οὔτε, μήτε.. μήτε, εἴτε.. εἴτε (qq.v.); τε may be used three or more times,

    ἔν τ' ἄρα οἱ φῦ χειρί, ἔπος τ' ἔφατ' ἔκ τ' ὀνόμαζεν Od.15.530

    , cf. Il.1.177, 2.58, A.Pr. 89sq., B.17.19sq., Lys. 19.17, X.Cyr.3.3.36:— ἑνδεκάτη τε δυωδεκάτη τε prob. means the eleventh or twelfth, Od.2.374, 4.588:—sts. τε.. τε couples alternatives,

    ἀπόρως εἶχε δοῦναί τε μὴ δοῦναί τε E.IA56

    , cf. Heracl. 153, El. 391; hence we find τε.. ἢ.., Pl.Tht. 143c, Ion 535d; on (or ) .. τε in Il.2.289 and A.Eu. 524 (lyr.) v. 1.3.
    2 the first clause may be negative, the second affirmative, as

    ἐκκλησίαν τε οὐκ ἐποίει.., τήν τε πόλιν ἐφύλασσε Th.2.22

    ; but οὔτε.. τε is more freq., as

    οὔτε ποσίν εἰμι ταχύς.., γιγνώσκω τε X.Cyr.2.3.6


    οὔτε 11.4

    ); we also find οὐ.. τε.. , as

    οὐχ ἡσύχαζον.., παρεκάλουν τε τοὺς ξυμμάχους Th.1.67

    ; and μὴ.. τε.. , as ἵνα μή τι διαφύγῃ ἡμᾶς, εἴ τέ τι βούλει κτλ. Pl.Phd. 95e.
    3 τε ( both) sts. corresponds to a following δέ ( and), or τε ( and) to a preceding μέν, e.g.
    a τε.. δὲ.. , as

    κόμισαί τέ με, δὸς δέ μοι ἵππους Il.5.359

    , cf. 7.418, S.OC 367, Tr. 285, E.Ph. 1625;

    ἐσθὰς ἀμφότερόν νιν ἔχεν, ἅ τε.. ἐπιχώριος.., ἀμφὶ δὲ παρδαλέᾳ στέγετο Pi.P.4.80


    διήκουέ τε.., ἔπειτα δὲ καὶ ἐπῄνεσε X.Cyr.4.4.3

    ; so with ἅμα δὲ καὶ.., ὡσαύτως δὲ καὶ.., Th.1.25, Pl.Smp. 186e:—so τε.., ἀτὰρ οὖν καὶ.., Id.Hp.Ma. 295e.

    μὲν.. τε.., ἄνδρα μὲν.., τρεῖς τε κασιγνήτους Il.19.291

    -3, cf. Od.22.475-6, Pi.O.6.88, 7.88, A.Th. 924, Ch. 585 (lyr.), S.Ant. 963 (lyr.), E.Heracl. 337 codd., Cyc.41 (lyr.), Ar.Nu. 563(lyr.), Pl.Phdr. 266c, Lg. 927b: v. μέν A. 11.6c.
    4 a single τε ( and) joins a word, phrase, or (esp. later) clause or sentence to what precedes,

    τελευτὴν κεφαλήν τε Pl.Ti. 69a

    ; θνητὰ ἀθάνατά τε ib.c;

    Ζεῦ ἄλλοι τε θεοί Il.6.476


    κύνεσσιν οἰωνοῖσί τε πᾶσι 1.5

    ; ῥίγησέν τ' ἂρ ἔπειτα ἄναξ ἀνδρῶν Ἀγαμέμνων v.l. for δ' ἂρ in 11.254; ἕν τε οὐδὲν κατέστη ἴαμα.., σῶμά τε αὔταρκες ὂν οὐδὲν διεφάνη.., Th.2.51; τά τε ἱερὰ.. νεκρῶν πλέα ἦν.. ib.52; νόμοι τε πάντες ξυνεταράχθησαν ibid.;

    δάκνει σ' ἀδελφὸς ὅ τε θανὼν ἴσως πατήρ E.El. 242

    , cf. 253, 262, al.;

    εἴς τε τὰς ἄλλας.. ἀθροίζεσθαι Aen.Tact.3.5

    ; τῶν τε ἀρχόντων.. ib.6, cf. 10.8, al.;

    ὅ τε γραφεὶς κύκλος.. Archim.Spir.11


    πρός τε τούτοις φησὶν.. PEnteux.63.18

    (iii B.C.);

    χωρίς τε τούτων Plb.2.56.13

    , 61.1, 3.17.7;

    ταῦτά τ' ἐγίνετο.. Id.2.43.6

    , cf. 3.70.4;

    ἀπαιτούμενός τε ὑπ' ἐμοῦ τὰ ἔρια οὐκ ἀποδίδωσί PEnteux.2.6

    , cf. 8.4, al. (iii B.C.); γράψαι Ἀγαθοκλεῖ τῷ ἐπιστάτῃ διασαφῆσαί τε αὐτῷ ib.81.21 (iii B.C.);

    καθόλου τε.. Arr.Epict.1.19.13

    , cf. 2.2.17;

    ἀταράχους τήν τε δύναμιν ἀκαθαιρέτους Sor.1.21

    , cf. 24, al.;

    ὄξει βαφικῷ στυπτηρίᾳ τε PHolm. 1.4

    , cf. Gem.16.6;

    χρὴ.. λαχάνων ἅπτεσθαι, κοιλίαν τε λύειν Gp.1.12.19

    , cf. 2.2.2, al.; this τε may be used any number of times, Od.4.149- 150, 14.75, 158-9, Men.Pk.15,16,20, Hipparch.1.9.8, Act.Ap.2.43,46, 4.13, 14, al.
    II τε.. καὶ.. , or τε καὶ.. , both.. and.., where τε points forward to καί, and usu. need not be translated, e.g.

    Ἀτρείδης τε ἄναξ ἀνδρῶν καὶ δῖος Ἀχιλλεύς Il.1.7

    ; εἰ δὴ ὁμοῦ πόλεμός τε δαμᾷ καὶ λοιμὸς Ἀχαιούς ib.61; δειλός τε καὶ οὐτιδανὸς καλεοίμην ib. 293;

    ζωόν τε καὶ ἀρτεμέα 7.308

    , cf. 327, 338, al.;

    τῆς τε γῆς ἐούσης ἐπιτηδέης καὶ τῶν ποταμῶν ἐόντων σφι συμμάχων Hdt.4.47


    βούλεταί τε καὶ ἐπίσταται Th.2.35


    ὁ φύς τε καὶ τραφείς Pl.R. 396c


    βάσιν τε γὰρ πάλιν τὴν αὐτὴν ἔχουσι τὴν ΖΒ καὶ.. Euc.1.47

    ; sts. the elements joined by τε.. καὶ.. are joined in order to be compared or contrasted rather than simply joined,

    κάκιστος νῦν τε καὶ πάλαι δοκεῖ S.Ant. 181


    μεσαμβρίη τέ ἐστι καὶ τὸ κάρτα γίνεται ψυχρόν Hdt.4.181


    ἔτυχόν τε ὕσταται ἐξαναχθεῖσαι καί κως κατεῖδον Id.7.194

    ; ἐπαύσατό τε ὁ ἄνεμος καὶ τὸ κῦμα ἔστρωτο ib. 193;

    ταὐτὰ.. νῦν τε καὶ τότε Ar.Av. 24


    χωρὶς τό τ' εἰπεῖν πολλὰ καὶ τὰ καίρια S.OC 808


    ὅσον τό τ' ἄρχειν καὶ τὸ δουλεύειν δίχα A.Pr. 927

    ; sts. (like τε.. τε) even used of alternatives,

    διάνδιχα μερμήριξεν, ἵππους τε στρέψαι καὶ ἐναντίβιον μαχέσασθαι Il.8.168


    ἐν δίκᾳ τε καὶ παρὰ δίκαν Pi.O.2.16


    θεοῦ τε.. θέλοντος καὶ μὴ θέλοντος A.Th. 427


    πείσας τε.. καὶ μὴ τυχών Th.3.42

    :—on οἵ τε ἄλλοι καὶ.. , e.g.

    τοῖς τε ἄλλοις ἅπασι καὶ Λακεδαιμονίοις Isoc.12.249

    , and ἄλλως τε καὶ.. , v. ἄλλος 11.6,

    ἄλλως 1.3

    2 in this sense τ' ἠδέ is only [dialect] Ep.,

    σκῆπτρόν τ' ἠδὲ θέμιστας Il.9.99

    , cf. 1.400, al.; also

    τε.., ἰδέ, χαλκόν τε ἰδὲ λόφον 6.469

    , cf. 8.162.
    3 καὶ.. τε, both.. and.., is occasionally found, as καὶ μητέρα πατέρα τ' E.Alc. 646.
    b καὶ.. τε perh. means and.. also in

    καὶ ναυτικῷ τε ἅμα Th.1.9


    καὶ πρός τε τοὺς Ῥηγίνους Id.6.44


    καὶ αὐτός τε Id.8.68

    ; v. infr. c. 10.
    4 τε.. τε or τε.. καὶ.. sts. join elements which are not syntactically parallel, esp. a part. and a finite verb, ἰοῖσίν τε τιτυσκόμενοι λάεσσί τ' ἔβαλλον (for βάλλοντες) Il.3.80;

    ἄλλα τε ἐπιφραζόμενος καὶ δὴ καὶ ἐπεπόμφεε Hdt.1.85


    ἀλλῳ τε τρόπῳ πειράζοντες καὶ μηχανὴν προσήγαγον Th.4.100


    τῆς τε ὥρας.. ταύτης οὔσης.., καὶ τὸ χωρίον.. χαλεπὸν ἦν Id.7.47

    , cf. 4.85, 8.81, 95.
    5 the copulative τε becomes rare in later Gr.; it is found about 340 times in LXX, mostly in the Pentateuch and 1-4 Ma., only 3 times in Ps.; in the NT it is found about 150 times in Act.Ap., 20 times in Ep.Hebr., and very rarely in the other books.
    B In [dialect] Ep. (more rarely in other dactylic verse, v. infr. 11) τε stands in general or frequentative statements or in statements of what is well known; such statements are freq. made as justifications of a preceding particular statement or of a preceding exhortation to a particular person or persons; the sense of τε thus approaches that of τοι (cf. τοι and τε in Od.2.276-7, and cf. Il.13.115 with 15.203); although associated with numerous particles and other words of particular types (v. infr.) its meaning remains independent of these and applies to the whole sentence in which it stands:

    αἶψά τε φυλόπιδος πέλεται κόρος ἀνθρώποισιν Il.19.221


    οὐ γάρ τ' αἶψα θεῶν τρέπεται νόος αἰὲν ἐόντων Od.3.147


    θεοὶ δέ τε πάντα ἴσασιν 4.379

    , cf. 5.79, 447, 10.306, 17.485, Il.9.497, 16.688, 17.176, 21.264;

    ξυνὸς Ἐνυάλιος καί τε κτανέοντα κατέκτα 18.309

    , cf. Od.11.537, Il.24.526;

    ἤ τ' ἔβλητ' ἤ τ' ἔβαλ' ἄλλον 11.410


    οὐ μὲν γάρ τε κακὸν βασιλευέμεν Od.1.392


    οἳ φύλλοισιν ἐοικότες ἄλλοτε μέν τε ζαφλεγέες τελέθουσιν.. ἄλλοτε δὲ.. Il.21.464


    ἄλλος γάρ τ' ἄλλοισιν ἀνὴρ ἐπιτέρπεται ἔργοις Od.14.228

    , cf. 8.169, 170, 15.400; τοῦ γάρ τε ξεῖνος μιμνήσκεται ἤματα πάντα, ἀνδρὸς ξεινοδόκου, ὅς κεν φιλότητα παράσχῃ ib.54, cf. 17.322;

    ῥεχθὲν δέ τε νήπιος ἔγνω Il.17.32


    παθὼν δέ τε νήπιος ἔγνω Hes.Op. 218


    αἰεὶ γάρ τε νεώτεροι ἀφραδέουσιν Od. 7.294

    ; δύσζηλοι γάρ τ' εἰμὲν ἐπὶ χθονὶ φῦλ' ἀνθρώπων ib. 307;

    τοῦ δέ τε πολλοὶ ἐπαυρίσκοντ' ἄνθρωποι, καί τε πολέας ἐσάωσε Il.13.733

    -4; τοῦ μὲν γάρ τε κακοῦ τρέπεται χρὼς ἄλλυδις ἄλλῃ, ἐν δέ τέ οἱ κραδίη στέρνοισι πατάσσει.., πάταγος δέ τε γίγνετ' ὀδόντων ib. 279-83;

    ὀλίγη δέ τ' ἀνάπνευσις πολέμοιο 18.201


    νέῳ δέ τε πάντ' ἐπέοικεν.. κεῖσθαι 22.71


    κατέλεξεν ἅπαντα κήδε' ὅσ' ἀνθρώποισι πέλει, τῶν ἄστυ ἁλώῃ· ἄνδρας μὲν κτείνουσι, πόλιν δέ τε πῦρ ἀμαθύνει, τέκνα δέ τ' ἄλλοι ἄγουσι, βαθυζώνους τε γυναῖκας 9.592

    -4, cf. 22.492, 495, 499;

    νεμεσσῶμαί γε μὲν οὐδέν· καὶ γάρ τίς τ' ἀλλοῖον ὀδύρεται ἄνδρ' ὀλέσασα.. ἢ Ὀδυσῆ' Od.19.265


    σχέτλιε, καὶ μέν τίς τε χερείονι πείθεθ' ἑταίρῳ.., αὐτὰρ ἐγὼ θεός εἰμι 20.45

    , cf. 23.118, Il.2.292, 9.632; νῦν δὲ μνησώμεθα δόρπου· καὶ γάρ τ' ἠΰκομος Νιόβη ἐμνήσατο σίτου κτλ. 24.602 (where a general inference is implied);

    ὃν Βριάρεων καλέουσι θεοί, ἄνδρες δέ τε πάντες Αἰγαίων' 1.403

    , cf. 2.814, 5.306, 10.258, 14.290; sts. of repeated action by particular persons,

    ἄλλοτε μέν τε γόῳ φρένα τέρπομαι Od.4.102


    οὐ μὰ γὰρ Ἀπόλλωνα Διὶ φίλον, ᾧ τε σύ, Κάλχαν, εὐχόμενος.. θεοπροπίας ἀναφαίνεις Il.1.86

    ; ἡ δὲ.. μ' αἰεὶ.. νεικεῖ, καί τέ μέ φησι μάχῃ Τρώεσσιν ἀρήγειν ib. 521;

    μήτηρ γάρ τέ μέ φησι θεά, Θέτις ἀργυρόπεζα, διχθαδίας κῆρας φερέμεν θανάτοιο τέλοσδε 9.410

    2 in exhortations addressed to an individual, a subsidiary sentence or relative clause in which he is reminded of his special or characteristic sphere of activity is marked by τε, e.g.

    Ἑρμεία, σοὶ γάρ τε μάλιστά γε φίλτατόν ἐστιν ἀνδρὶ ἑταιρίσσαι καί τ' ἔκλυες ᾧ κ' ἐθέλῃσθα, βάσκ' ἴθι.. Il.24.334


    Ἀτρεΐδη, σοὶ γάρ τε μάλιστά γε λαὸς Ἀχαιῶν πείσονται μύθοισι.., νῦν δ' ἀπὸ πυρκαϊῆς σκέδασον.. 23.156


    δεῦρο δὴ ὄρσο, γρηῢ.., ἥ τε γυναικῶν δμῳάων σκοπός ἐσσι.., ἔρχεο Od. 22.395

    , cf. Il.17.249.
    3 similarly in general and frequentative statements consisting of two clauses (one of which may be a relative clause, freq. containing the subj. or opt.), in which the fulfilment of the condition stated in the subsidiary or subordinate clause is declared to be generally or always followed by the result stated in the principal clause, either or both clauses may contain τε:
    a the principal clause alone contains τε

    , ὅς κε θεοῖς ἐπιπείθηται, μάλα τ' ἔκλυον αὐτοῦ Il.1.218


    ὃς δ' ἂν ἀμύμων αὐτὸς ἔῃ καὶ ἀμύμονα εἰδῇ, τοῦ μέν τε κλέος εὐρὺ διὰ ξεῖνοι φορέουσι πάντας ἐπ' ἀνθρώπους, πολλοί τέ μιν ἐσθλὸν ἔειπον Od.19.333


    εἴ περ γὰρ θυμῷ γε μενοινάᾳ πολεμίζειν, ἀλλά τε λάθρῃ γυῖα βαρύνεται.., βλάβεται δέ τε γούνατ' ἰόντι Il.19.165


    ᾧ μέν κ' ἀμμείξας δώῃ Ζεὺς τερπικέραυνος, ἄλλοτε μέν τε κακῷ ὅ γε κύρεται ἄλλοτε δ' ἐσθλῷ 24.530

    b the subordinate clause alone contains τε

    , λάζετο δ' ἔγχος.. τῷ δάμνησι στίχας ἀνδρῶν ἡρώων οἷσίν τε κοτέσσεται ὀβριμοπάτρη 5.747


    ῥεῖα δ' ἀρίγνωτος γόνος ἀνέρος ᾧ τε Κρονίων ὄλβον ἐπικλώση Od.4.207


    ἀντί νυ πολλῶν λαῶν ἐστιν ἀνὴρ ὅν τε Ζεὺς κῆρι φιλήσῃ Il.9.117

    , cf. 7.298, Od.6.287, 7.74, 8.547, 18.276; with opt.,

    ἀλλὰ πολὺ πρώτιστος.. ἕλεσκον ἀνδρῶν δυσμενέων ὅ τέ μοι εἴξειε πόδεσσι 14.221

    : it is prob. that τε has been replaced by κε in the text of Hom. in Il.1.218, 9.510 (cf. 508), and some other passages in which κε seems to be used, exceptionally, in general relative clauses.
    c both clauses contain τε

    , ὃς μέν τ' αἰδέσεται κούρας Διὸς ἆσσον ἰούσας, τὸν δὲ μέγ' ὤνησαν καί τ' ἔκλυον εὐχομένοιο Il.9.508


    εἴ περ γάρ τε χόλον γε καὶ αὐτῆμαρ καταπέψῃ, ἀλλά τε καὶ μετόπισθεν ἔχει κότον 1.82

    4 in the subordinate clause of a collective sentence, in which the principal clause states something to be true of all those (i.e. each individual) to whom the predicate of the subordinate clause applies,

    ὑπόσχωμαι.. κτήματα.. πάντα μάλ' ὅσσα τ' Ἀλέξανδρος.. ἠγάγετο Τροίηνδ'.. δωσέμεν Il.22.115


    πάντων ὅσσα τε γαῖαν ἔπι πνείει τε καὶ ἕρπει 17.447

    , cf. Od.18.131, Il.19.105;

    βάλλειν ἄγρια πάντα τά τε τρέφει οὔρεσιν ὕλη 5.52

    , cf. 18.485.
    5 in relative clauses (and in parenthetic principal clauses) which indicate what is customary, ἐπεὶ οὐχ ἱερήϊον οὐδὲ βοείην ἀρνύσθην, ἅ τε ποσσὶν ἀέθλια γίγνεται ἀνδρῶν which are the usual prizes.., Il.22.160;

    ἔργ' ἀνδρῶν τε θεῶν τε, τά τε κλείουσιν ἀοιδοί Od.1.338

    , cf. 3.435, 4.85, 13.410, 14.226, 17.423, Il.5.332;

    κύματος ἐξαναδύς, τά τ' ἐρεύγεται ἤπειρόνδε Od.5.438


    μολπή τ' ὀρχηστύς τε, τὰ γάρ τ' ἀναθήματα δαιτός 1.152

    : similarly in clauses with

    οἷά τε (πολλά), κῆτος ἐπισσεύῃ μέγα δαίμων ἐξ ἁλός, οἷά τε πολλὰ τρέφει.. Ἀμφιτρίτη 5.422


    οὐ γάρ σ' οὐδέ.. δαήμονι φωτὶ ἐΐσκω ἄθλων, οἷά τε πολλὰ μετ' ἀνθρώποισι πέλονται 8.160

    , cf. 11.364, 14.63, 15.324, 379.
    6 in relative clauses indicating what is true of all persons or things denoted by the same word, οὐ γάρ τις νήσων ἱππήλατος οὐδ' εὐλείμων αἵ θ' ἁλὶ κεκλίαται no one of the islands which lie in the sea (as all islands do, i.e. no island at all), Od.4.608;

    ἡμίονον.. ἥ τ' ἀλγίστη δαμάσασθαι Il.23.655


    ἐσθλὸς ἐὼν γαμβρὸς ἢ πενθερός, οἵ τε μάλιστα κήδιστοι τελέθουσι Od.8.582


    αἰετοῦ οἴματ' ἔχων.. ὅς θ' ἅμα κάρτιστός τε καὶ ὤκιστος πετεηνῶν Il.21.252

    , cf. 24.294;

    οὐδέ μιν εἰσοιχνεῦσι κυνηγέται, οἵ τε καθ' ὕλην ἄλγεα πάσχουσιν Od.9.120


    δικασπόλοι, οἵ τε θέμιστας πρὸς Διὸς εἰρύαται Il.1.238

    , cf. Od.5.67, 101, Il.1.279, 19.31, 24.415;

    οἶνός σε τρώει.., ὅς τε καὶ ἄλλους βλάπτει Od.21.293

    , cf. 14.464;

    πάρφασις, ἥ τ' ἔκλεψε νόον πύκα περ φρονεόντων Il.14.217


    οἰκωφελίη, ἥ τε τρέφει ἀγλαὰ τέκνα Od.14.223

    7 when the antecedent is a definite group of gods or men, the relative clause with τε indicates an essential characteristic of the antecedent,

    Ἐρινύες, αἵ θ' ὑπὸ γαῖαν ἀνθρώπους τείνυνται Il.19.259


    Σειρῆνας.., αἵ ῥά τε πάντας ἀνθρώπους θέλγουσιν Od.12.39


    Φαίηκές μ' ἄγαγον ναυσίκλυτοι, οἵ τε καὶ ἄλλους ἀνθρώπους πέμπουσιν 16.227

    , cf. 20.187;

    νυμφάων αἵ τ' ἄλσεα καλὰ νέμονται καὶ πηγὰς ποταμῶν Il.20.8


    Λωτοφάγων, οἵ τ' ἄνθινον εἶδαρ ἔδουσι Od.9.84

    : similarly when the antecedent is an individual person (incl. god) or thing, the relative clause with τε indicates one of his or its general or essential characteristics or aspects,

    οὐ μὰ Ζῆν' ὅς τίς τε θεῶν ὕπατος καὶ ἄριστος Il.23.43

    , cf. 2.669, Od.5.4;

    Ἑρμείαο ἕκητι διακτόρου, ὅς ῥά τε πάντων ἀνθρώπων ἔργοισι χάριν καὶ κῦδος ὀπάζει 15.319


    Λάμπον καὶ Φαέθονθ', οἵ τ' Ἠῶ πῶλοι ἄγουσι 23.246


    Τειρεσίαο μάντιος ἀλαοῦ, τοῦ τε φρένες ἔμπεδοί εἰσι 10.493


    τεύχεα δύνεις ἀνδρὸς ἀριστῆος, τόν τε τρομέουσι καὶ ἄλλοι Il.17.203

    , cf. 7.112; κεῖται ἀνὴρ ὅν τ' (v.l. ὃν)

    ἶσον ἐτίομεν Ἕκτορι δίῳ, Αἰνείας 5.467

    ; the relative clause sts. indicates what is customary,

    οὐδέ σε λήθω τιμῆς ἧς τέ μ' ἔοικε τετιμῆσθαι μετ' Ἀχαιοῖς 23.649


    ἔνθα δ' ἀνὴρ ἐνίαυε πελώριος, ὅς ῥά τε μῆλα οἶος ποιμαίνεσκε Od.9.187


    τῶν πάντων οὐ τόσσον ὀδύρομαι.. ὡς ἑνός, ὅς τέ μοι ὕπνον ἀπεχθαίρει καὶ ἐδωδὴν μνωομένῳ 4.105


    σῆς ἀλόχου.. ἥ τέ τοι αὔτως ἧσται ἐνὶ μεγάροισιν 13.336


    καὶ κήρυκα Μέδοντα σαώσομεν, ὅς τέ μευ αἰεὶ.. κηδέσκετο 22.357

    , cf. 346.
    8 τε is used in descriptions of particular places or things when attention is called to their peculiar or characteristic features, or their position, e.g.

    Λιβύην, ἵνα τ' ἄρνες ἄφαρ κεραοὶ τελέθουσι Od.4.85


    ἔνθα δέ τ' ὄρνιθες τανυσίπτεροι εὐνάζοντο 5.65

    , cf. 9.124, 13.99, 100, 107, 109, 244; ἓξ δέ τέ οἱ (sc. Σκύλλῃ)

    δειραὶ περιμήκεες 12.90

    , cf. 93,99, 105; ἐν δέ τε Γοργείη κεφαλή (in Athena's αἰγίς) Il.5.741; χαλεπὸν δέ τ' ὀρύσσειν ἀνδράσι γε θνητοῖσι (sc. μῶλυ) Od. 10.305;

    δοιαὶ γάρ τε πύλαι ἀμενηνῶν εἰσὶν ὀνείρων 19.562

    ; sts. τε draws attention to a well-known custom or permanent feature,

    ἀρξάμενοι τοῦ χώρου, ὅθεν τέ περ οἰνοχοεύει 21.142


    ἦ μένετε Τρῶας σχεδὸν ἐλθέμεν, ἔνθα τε νῆες εἰρύατ' εὔπρυμνοι Il.4.247

    , cf. Od. 6.266;

    ἐν ποταμῷ, ὅθι τ' ἀρδμὸς ἔην πάντεσσι βοτοῖσιν Il.18.521

    , cf. Od.14.353.
    9 a part of the anatomy is defined by a clause (containing τε) which indicates a feature which universally belongs to it,

    κατ' ἰσχίον, ἔνθα τε μηρὸς ἰσχίῳ ἐνστρέφεται Il.5.305

    , cf. 8.83, 13.547, 16.481, 20.478; similarly a point of time is defined,

    ὥρῃ ἐν εἰαρινῇ, ὅτε τ' ἤματα μακρὰ πέλονται Od.18.367

    10 τε is used in relative clauses which define a measurement of a particular thing or action by reference to the measurement (in general) of some thing or action well known in daily life,

    γεφύρωσεν δὲ κέλευθον μακρὴν ἠδ' εὐρεῖαν, ὅσον τ' ἐπὶ δουρὸς ἐρωὴ γίγνεται Il.15.358


    τοῦ δ' ἤτοι κλέος ἔσται ὅσον τ' ἐπικίδναται ἠώς 7.451


    ὅτε τόσσον ἀπῆν ὅσσον τε γέγωνε βοήσας Od.9.473

    , cf. 3.321, al.; more rarely the definition is by reference to the measurement of a particular thing or action, ἤσθιε.. ἕως ὅ τ' ἀοιδὸς ἐνὶ μεγάροισιν ἄειδεν (s.v.l.) 17.358;

    ἥ τις δὴ τέτληκε τόσα φρεσίν, ὅσσα τ' ἐγώ περ 19.347

    11 the freq. use of τε B in similes is to be explained under one or other of the foregoing heads, e.g. when reference is made to generally known kinds of things or natural phenomena, to human experience in daily life, or to well-known phenomena of the animal world, Il.2.456, 459, 463, 468, 470, 471, 474, 481, 3.23-5,33, 11.415-7, al.; or when universal characteristics of gods, men, animals, etc., are indicated by relative clauses introduced by ὅς τε, ὅς ῥά τε, etc., 3.61, 151, 198, al.; or by ὥς τε, ἠΰτε, ὥς τίς τε, etc., e.g. 5.136, 17.133, Od.4.535,

    ὡς εἴ τε 9.314

    , 14.254, etc.
    II in post-Hom. Gr. this use of τε is more restricted; outside of [dialect] Ep. and other early dactylic verse (Hes.Op.30, 214, 233, al., Xenoph.13.3, Thgn.148, 359, etc.) it is not found except with relatives, and with these it has scarcely any discernible sense, so that ὅς τε in Lyr. and Trag. is for the most part only = ὅς, e.g. (possibly generalizing)

    Μοῖρ', ἅ τε πατρώϊον τῶνδ' ἔχει τὸν εὔφρονα πότμον Pi.O.2.35

    , cf. 14.2, A.Eu. 1024, E.Hec. 445 (lyr.), etc. (v. ὅστε); without generalizing force, Pi.N.9.9, A.Pers. 297, Ch. 615, etc.; Hdt. has

    τά πέρ τε 1.74


    ὅκως τε 2.108

    codd., ὅσον τε (without a verb, as in Od.9.325, al.) 1.126, 2.96, 3.5, al.,

    οἷά τε 1.93

    codd. (adverbially 2.175, 5.11): in [dialect] Att. Prose and Com. even these uses disappear and we find only a few phrases, as ἅτε, ὥστε, ἐφ' ᾧτε, οἷός τε; in later Gr. we find exceptionally

    ἔνθεν τε Hp.Ep.17


    ἀφ' οὗ τε UPZ62.8

    (ii B.C.);

    ἀπ' οὗ τε PCair.Zen.291.3

    (iii B.C.);

    οἵ τε GDI215.23

    (Erythrae, ii B.C.); ἥ τ' PMag.Par.1.2962;

    ὅσον τε ὀκτὼ στάδια Paus.6.26.1

    ; καὶ ἔστιν ἔπη Μαντικὰ ὁπόσα τε (= which)

    ἐπελεξάμεθα καὶ ἡμεῖς Id.9.31.5


    οἷόν τε καὶ ἐπὶ τῆς κύων φωνῆς θεωροῦμεν S.E.M.11.28

    C in Hom. τε is also (but less freq.) used in conjunction with other particles in contexts (mainly particular statements) such as the following:
    1 in assurances, statements on oath, and threats,

    σχέτλιος, ἦ τ' ἐκέλευον ἀπωσάμενον δήϊον πῦρ ἂψ ἐπὶ νῆας ἴμεν Il.18.13


    ἐξ αὖ νῦν ἔφυγες θάνατον, κύον· ἦ τέ τοι ἄγχι ἦλθε κακόν 11.362

    ; ἦ τε is similarly used in 11.391, 17.171, 236, Od.24.28, 311, al.; ἦ τ' ἄν in Il.12.69, al.; γάρ τε (s. v.l.) in

    οὐ γάρ τ' οἶδα 6.367

    , cf. Od.10.190; νύ τε in 1.60, 347 (but τ' more prob. = τοι, v. σύ) ; δέ τε in

    ἀγορῇ δέ τ' ἀμείνονές εἰσι καὶ ἄλλοι Il.18.106


    σὲ δέ τ' ἐνθάδε γῦπες ἔδονται 16.836

    ; μέν τε in

    σφὼ μέν τε σαώσετε λαὸν Ἀχαιῶν 13.47

    , cf. 4.341; εἴ πέρ τε in

    οὔ τοι ἔτι δηρόν γε φίλης ἀπὸ πατρίδος αἴης ἔσσεται, οὐδ' εἴ πέρ τε σιδήρεα δέσματ' ἔχῃσιν Od.1.204

    , cf. 188, Il.12.223, 245.
    2 also in commands, warnings, and admonitions,

    σίγα, μή τίς τ' ἄλλος Ἀχαιῶν τοῦτον ἀκούσῃ μῦθον Il.14.90

    , cf. Od.19.486;

    ὣς ἄγαγ' ὡς μήτ' ἄρ τις ἴδῃ μήτ' ἄρ τε νοήσῃ Il.24.337

    ; τούσδε τ' (v.l. δ')

    ἐᾶν 16.96

    (nisi leg. τούσδ' ἔτ')

    ; δὸς δέ τέ μ' ἄνδρα ἑλεῖν 5.118

    ; μηδέ τ' ἐρώει (nisi leg. μηδ' ἔτ') 2.179, 22.185.
    3 also in passionate utterances, in clauses which indicate the cause of the speaker's passion or a circumstance which might have caused others to behave more considerately towards him,

    ὤ μοι ἐγὼ δειλή.. ἥ τ'.. τὸν μὲν.. θρέψασα.. ἐπιπροέηκα Il.18.55


    σχέτλιοί ἐστε, θεοί, ζηλήμονες ἔξοχον ἄλλων, οἵ τε θεαῖς ἀγάασθε.. ἤν τίς τε.. Od.5.119

    , 120, cf. 21.87, Il.15.468, 17.174; ἡμεῖς δ' αὖ μαχόμεσθ', οἵ πέρ τ' ἐπίκουροι ἔνειμεν and we, who ( mark you) are only allies (not γαμβροί and κασίγνητοι), are fighting, 5.477; τρεῖς γάρ τ' ἐκ Κρόνου εἰμὲν ἀδελφεοί for we, let me tell you, are three brothers, sons of Cronos (and Zeus has no prior title to power), 15.187;

    ποῖόν δε ἔπος φύγεν ἕρκος ὀδόντων δεινόν τ' ἀργαλέον τε· νεμεσσῶμαι δέ τ' ἀκούων Od.21.169


    οὐ μήν οἱ τό γε κάλλιον οὐδέ τ' ἄμεινον Il.24.52

    4 in descriptions of particular events and things where there is no general reference,

    κνίση μὲν ἀνήνοθεν, ἐν δέ τε φόρμιγξ ἠπύει Od.17.270

    ; ὥς (= so)

    τέ μοι ὑβρίζοντες ὑπερφιάλως δοκέουσιν δαίνυσθαι κατὰ δῶμα 1.227


    τοὺς μέν τ' ἰητροὶ πολυφάρμακοι ἀμφιπένονται.. σὺ δ' ἀμήχανος ἔπλευ, Ἀχιλλεῦ Il.16.28

    ; πόλιν πέρι δινηθήτην καρπαλίμοισι πόδεσσι, θεοὶ δέ τε πάντες ὁρῶντο dub. l. in 22.166;

    εὗρε δ' ἐνὶ σπῆϊ γλαφυρῷ Θέτιν, ἀμφὶ δέ τ' ἄλλαι εἵαθ' ὁμηγερέες ἅλιαι θεαί 24.83


    ἐν δέ τε φάρμακον ἧκε Od.10.317


    νῶϊ δέ τ' ἄψορροι κίομεν Il.21.456


    πολλὰς γὰρ δὴ νύκτας.. ἄεσα καί τ' ἀνέμεινα.. Ἠῶ Od.19.342


    δέελον δ' ἐπὶ σῆμά τ' ἔθηκε Il.10.466


    ἐν δέ τε οἶνον κρητῆρσιν κερόωντο Od.20.252

    ; so with οὐδέ τ' (nisi leg. οὐδ' ἔτ')

    , τὸν καὶ ὑπέδδεισαν μάκαρες θεοὶ οὐδέ τ' ἔδησαν Il.1.406


    οὐδέ τ' ἔληγε μέγας θεός, ὦρτο δ' ἐπ' αὐτόν 21.248


    οὐδέ τ' ἄειρε 23.730


    οὐδέ τ' ἔασεν 11.437

    , 21.596, cf. 15.709.
    5 ὅτε τε ( when) freq. introduces a temporal clause defining a point of time in the past by means of a well-known event which occurred then, ἦ οὐ μέμνῃ ὅτε τ' ἐκρέμω ὑψόθεν; Il.15.18;

    ὅτε τε Κρόνον.. Ζεὺς γαίης νέρθε καθεῖσε 14.203


    ἤματι τῷ ὅτε τ' ἦλθον Ἀμαζόνες 3.189

    (but ἤματι τῷ ὅτε τε is general in 13.335; so also ὅτε πέρ τε.. κέρωνται in 4.259);

    ὅτε τ' ἤλυθε νόσφιν Ἀχαιῶν ἄγγελος ἐς Θήβας 5.803

    , cf. 10.286, 22.102, Od.7.323, 18.257.
    6 in ὅ τε ( that or because) the τε has no observable meaning,

    χωόμενος ὅ τ' ἄριστον Ἀχαιῶν οὐδὲν ἔτισας Il.1.244

    , cf. 412, 4.32, 6.126, Od.5.357, al.
    8 where τ' ἄρ occurs in questions, e.g. πῇ τ' ἂρ μέμονας καταδῦναι ὅμιλον; Il.13.307, cf. 1.8, 18.188, al., ταρ (q.v.) should prob. be read, since ἄρ ([etym.] α) usu. precedes a τε which is not copulative; so perh. ταρα should be read for τ' ἄρα in Od.1.346.
    9 in

    ἣ θέμις ἐστὶν.. ἤ τ' ἀνδρῶν ἤ τε γυναικῶν Il.9.276

    , it is not clear whether τε is copulative (τε A) or generalizing (τε B) or neither (τε C); is prob. = (accented as in ἤτοι (; ἤ τ' ἀλκῆς ἤ τε φόβοιο is dub. l. in 17.42; ἤ τ' = or is found in 19.148, = than in Od.16.216.
    10 Rarer and later uses;
    a also, esp. with

    ἄλλος, Ἑρμεία, σὺ γὰρ αὖτε τά τ' ἄλλα περ ἄγγελός ἐσσι Od.5.29

    , cf. 17.273, Il.23.483;

    ἐπεὶ τά τε ἄλλα πράττουσιν καλῶς, ἀναθεῖναι αὐτοὺς καὶ στήλην IG22.1298.9

    , cf. Lycurg.100 (s.v.l.);

    ἐκομισάμην τὸ παρὰ σοῦ ἐπιστόλιον, ἐν ᾧ ὑπέγραψάς μοι τήν τε παρὰ Ζήνωνος πρὸς Ἰεδδοῦν γεγραμμένην PCair.Zen.18.1

    (iii B.C.); εἰ οὖν περὶ τούτων ἐπιστροφὴν μὴ ποιήσει, οἵ τε λοιποί μοι τὰς χεῖρας προσοίσουσιν (- σωσιν Pap.) PPetr.2p.10 (iii B.C.);

    τῶν δὲ παρὰ ταῦτα ποιησόντων τά τε κτήνη ὑπὸ στέρεσιν ἀχθήσεσθαι πρὸς τὰ ἐκφόρια PTeb.27.74

    (ii B.C.); v. supr. A. 11.3b.
    b with ὅδε, adding a slight emphasis to the preceding word,

    εἰ δὴ τήνδε τε γαῖαν ἀνείρεαι Od.13.238

    , cf. 15.484.
    c τε γάρ rarely = καὶ γάρ or γάρ, Arist.APo. 75b41, de An. 405a4, PA 661b28, Pol. 1318b33, 1333a2; ἐάν τε γάρ for even if, 2 Ep.Cor.10.8; τήν τε γὰρ ἐπιθυμίαν οὐκ ᾔδειν for I had not known even lust. Ep.Rom.7.7.
    D Position of τε:
    1 in signf. A, as an enclitic, it stands second word in the sentence, clause, or phrase, regardless of the meaning: ἐγγύθι τε Πριάμοιο καὶ Ἕκτορος near both Priam and Hector, Il.6.317;

    ἡμέτεραί τ' ἄλοχοι καὶ νήπια τέκνα 2.136

    , cf. 4.505, 7.295;

    αἰεί τε δὴ νηλὴς οὺ καὶ θράσους πλέως A.Pr.42

    codd., cf. 291 (anap.);

    ἄνευ τε δόλου καὶ ἀπάτης Hdt.1.69


    ὑπέρ τε σοῦ καὶ τῆς ἀδελφῆς PEnteux.6.6

    (iii B.C.);

    τοῖς τε πόνοις καὶ μαθήμασι Pl.R. 537a

    , cf. Ti. 70b; hence in E.Or. 897 πόλεος must be taken with what precedes (Porson ad loc.): but article + noun, preposition + noun are freq. regarded as forming a unity indivisible by τε

    , τοῖς κτανοῦσί τε A.Ch.41


    πρὸς βίαν τε Id.Pr. 210

    ; also the order is freq. determined by the meaning, τε being placed immediately after the word (or first word of a phrase or clause) which it joins to what precedes or to what follows,

    πατὴρ ἀνδρῶν τε θεῶν τε Il.1.544


    ἔξω δόμων τε καὶ πάτρας A.Pr. 665

    ; the copulative or preparatory τε precedes many other particles, e.g. τε γάρ, τ' ἄρα, τέ τις.
    2 τε is enclitic in signfs. B, C also, and stands early in its sentence, clause, or phrase (v. supr.), but many particles which follow τε in signf. A precede it in signfs. B, C, e.g. in signfs. B, C we have δέ τε, μέν τε, γάρ τε, ἀλλά τε, δ' ἄρα τε, ὅς ῥά τε, οὔτ' ἄρ τε, καὶ γάρ τίς τε, ὅς τίς τε, καί τε.
    E Etymology: signf. A is found also in Skt. ca, Lat. - que; for signfs. B and c cf. Skt. ca in yá[hudot ] káś ca 'whosoever (with following verb)', Lat. - que in quisque, ubique, plerique, usque, neque, nec (= non in necopinans, etc.), Goth. ni-h 'not' (also 'and not'), Lat. namque (= nam).

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > τε

  • 13 animus

    ănĭmus, i, m. [a Graeco-Italic form of anemos = wind (as ego, lego, of ego, lego); cf. Sanscr. an = to breathe, anas = breath, anilas = wind; Goth. uz-ana = exspiro; Erse, anal = breath; Germ. Unst = a storm (so, sometimes); but Curt. does not extend the connection to AФ, aêmi = to blow; a modification of animus—by making which the Romans took a step in advance of the Greeks, who used hê psuchê for both these ideas—is anima, which has the physical meaning of anemos, so that Cic. was theoretically right, but historically wrong, when he said, ipse animus ab anima dictus est, Tusc. 1, 9, 19; after the same analogy we have from psuchô = to breathe, blow, psuchê = breath, life, soul; from pneô = to breathe, pneuma = air, breath, life, in class. Greek, and = spirit, a spiritual being, in Hellenistic Greek; from spiro = to breathe, blow, spiritus = breath, breeze, energy, high spirit, and poet. and post-Aug. = soul, mind; the Engl. ghost = Germ. Geist may be comp. with Germ. giessen and cheô, to pour, and for this interchange of the ideas of gases and liquids, cf. Sol. 22: insula adspiratur freto Gallico, is flowed upon, washed, by the Gallic Strait; the Sanscr. atman = breath, soul, with which comp. aytmê = breath; Germ. Odem = breath, and Athem = breath, soul, with which group Curt. connects auô, aêmi; the Heb. = breath, life, soul; and = breath, wind, life, spirit, soul or mind].
    In a general sense, the rational soul in man (in opp. to the body, corpus, and to the physical life, anima), hê psuchê:

    humanus animus decerptus ex mente divina,

    Cic. Tusc. 5, 13, 38:

    Corpus animum praegravat, Atque affixit humo divinae particulam aurae,

    Hor. S. 2, 2, 77:

    credo deos immortales sparsisse animos in corpora humana, ut essent qui terras tuerentur etc.,

    Cic. Sen. 21, 77:

    eas res tueor animi non corporis viribus,

    id. ib. 11, 38; so id. Off. 1, 23, 79:

    quae (res) vel infirmis corporibus animo tamen administratur,

    id. Sen. 6, 15; id. Off. 1, 29, 102:

    omnes animi cruciatus et corporis,

    id. Cat. 4, 5, 10:

    levantes Corpus et animum,

    Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 141:

    formam et figuram animi magis quam corporis complecti,

    Tac. Agr. 46; id. H. 1, 22:

    animi validus et corpore ingens,

    id. A. 15, 53:

    Aristides primus animum pinxit et sensus hominis expressit, quae vocantur Graece ethe, item perturbationes,

    first painted the soul, put a soul into his figures, Plin. 35, 10, 36, § 98 (cf.:

    animosa signa,

    life-like statues, Prop. 4, 8, 9): si nihil esset in eo (animo), nisi id, ut per eum viveremus, i. e. were it mere anima, Cic. Tusc. 1, 24, 56:

    Singularis est quaedam natura atque vis animi, sejuncta ab his usitatis notisque naturis, i. e. the four material elements,

    id. ib. 1, 27, 66: Neque nos corpora sumus. Cum igitur nosce te dicit, hoc dicit, nosce animum tuum, id. ib. 1, 22, 52:

    In quo igitur loco est (animus)? Credo equidem in capite,

    id. ib. 1, 29, 70:

    corpora nostra, terreno principiorum genere confecta, ardore animi concalescunt,

    derive their heat from the fiery nature of the soul, id. ib. 1, 18, 42:

    Non valet tantum animus, ut se ipsum ipse videat: at, ut oculus, sic animus, se non videns alia cernit,

    id. ib. 1, 27, 67: foramina illa ( the senses), quae patent ad animum a corpore, callidissimo artificio natura fabricata est, id. ib. 1, 20, 47: dum peregre est animus sine corpore velox, independently of the body, i. e. the mind roaming in thought, Hor. Ep. 1, 12, 13:

    discessus animi a corpore,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 9, 18; 1, 30, 72:

    cum nihil erit praeter animum,

    when there shall be nothing but the soul, when the soul shall be disembodied, id. ib. 1, 20, 47; so,

    animus vacans corpore,

    id. ib. 1, 22, 50; and:

    animus sine corpore,

    id. ib. 1, 22, 51:

    sine mente animoque nequit residere per artus pars ulla animai,

    Lucr. 3, 398 (for the pleonasm here, v. infra, II. A. 1.):

    Reliquorum sententiae spem adferunt posse animos, cum e corporibus excesserint in caelum pervenire,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 11, 24:

    permanere animos arbitramur consensu nationum omnium,

    id. ib. 1, 16, 36:

    Pherecydes primus dixit animos esse hominum sempiternos,

    id. ib. 1, 16, 38:

    Quod ni ita se haberet, ut animi immortales essent, haud etc.,

    id. Sen. 23, 82: immortalitas animorum, id. ib. 21, 78; id. Tusc. 1, 11, 24; 1, 14, 30:

    aeternitas animorum,

    id. ib. 1, 17, 39; 1, 22, 50 (for the plur. animorum, in this phrase, cf. Cic. Sen. 23, 84); for the atheistic notions about the soul, v. Lucr. bk. iii.—
    In a more restricted sense, the mind as thinking, feeling, willing, the intellect, the sensibility, and the will, acc. to the almost universally received division of the mental powers since the time of Kant (Diog. Laert. 8, 30, says that Pythagoras divided hê psuchê into ho nous, hai phrenes, and ho thumos; and that man had ho nous and ho thumos in common with other animals, but he alone had hai phrenes. Here ho nous and ho thumos must denote the understanding and the sensibility, and hai phrenes, the reason. Plutarch de Placit. 4, 21, says that the Stoics called the supreme faculty of the mind (to hêgemonikon tês psuchês) ho logismos, reason. Cic. sometimes speaks of a twofold division; as, Est animus in partes tributus duas, quarum altera rationis est particeps, altera expers (i. e. to logistikon and to alogon of Plato; cf. Tert. Anim. 16), i. e. the reason or intellect and the sensibility, Tusc. 2, 21, 47; so id. Off. 1, 28, 101; 1, 36, 132; id. Tusc 4, 5, 10; and again of a threefold; as, Plato triplicem finxit animum, cujus principatum, id est rationem in capite sicut in arce posuit, et duas partes ( the two other parts) ei parere voluit, iram et cupiditatem, quas locis disclusit; iram in pectore, cupiditatem subter praecordia locavit, i. e. the reason or intellect, and the sensibility here resolved into desire and aversion, id. ib. 1, 10, 20; so id. Ac. 2, 39, 124. The will, hê boulêsis, voluntas, arbitrium, seems to have been sometimes merged in the sensibility, ho thumos, animus, animi, sensus, and sometimes identified with the intellect or reason, ho nous, ho logismos, mens, ratio).
    1.. The general power of perception and thought, the reason, intellect, mind (syn.: mens, ratio, ingenium), ho nous:

    cogito cum meo animo,

    Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 13; so Ter. Ad. 3, 4, 55:

    cum animis vestris cogitare,

    Cic. Agr. 2, 24:

    recordari cum animo,

    id. Clu. 25, 70;

    and without cum: animo meditari,

    Nep. Ages. 4, 1; cf. id. Ham. 4, 2:

    cogitare volvereque animo,

    Suet. Vesp. 5:

    animo cogitare,

    Vulg. Eccli. 37, 9:

    statuere apud animum,

    Liv. 34, 2:

    proposui in animo meo,

    Vulg. Eccli. 1, 12:

    nisi me animus fallit, hi sunt, etc.,

    Plaut. Men. 5, 9, 23:

    in dubio est animus,

    Ter. And. 1, 5, 31; id. ib. prol. 1; cf. id. ib. 1, 1, 29:

    animum ad se ipsum advocamus,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 31, 75:

    lumen animi, ingenii consiliique tui,

    id. Rep. 6, 12 al. —

    For the sake of rhet. fulness, animus often has a synonym joined with it: Mens et animus et consilium et sententia civitatis posita est in legibus,

    Cic. Clu. 146:

    magnam cui mentem animumque Delius inspirat vates,

    Verg. A. 6, 11:

    complecti animo et cogitatione,

    Cic. Off. 1, 32, 117; id. de Or. 1, 2, 6:

    animis et cogitatione comprehendere,

    id. Fl. 27, 66:

    cum omnia ratione animoque lustraris,

    id. Off. 1, 17, 56:

    animorum ingeniorumque naturale quoddam quasi pabulum consideratio naturae,

    id. Ac. 2, 41, 127.—Hence the expressions: agitatio animi, attentio, contentio; animi adversio; applicatio animi; judicium, opinio animorum, etc. (v. these vv.); and animum advertere, adjungere, adplicare, adpellere, inducere, etc. (v. these vv.).—
    Of particular faculties of mind, the memory:

    etiam nunc mihi Scripta illa dicta sunt in animo Chrysidis,

    Ter. And. 1, 5, 46:

    An imprimi, quasi ceram, animum putamus etc. (an idea of Aristotle's),

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 25, 61:

    ex animo effluere,

    id. de Or. 2, 74, 300: omnia fert aetas, animum quoque;

    ... Nunc oblita mihi tot carmina,

    Verg. E. 9, 51.—
    Consciousness (physically considered) or the vital power, on which consciousness depends ( = conscientia, q. v. II. A., or anima, q. v. II. E.):

    vae miserae mihi. Animo malest: aquam velim,

    I'm fainting, my wits are going, Plaut. Am. 5, 1, 6; id. Curc. 2, 3, 33:

    reliquit animus Sextium gravibus acceptis vulneribus,

    Caes. B. G. 6, 38:

    Una eademque via sanguis animusque sequuntur,

    Verg. A. 10, 487:

    animusque reliquit euntem,

    Ov. M. 10, 459:

    nisi si timor abstulit omnem Sensum animumque,

    id. ib. 14, 177:

    linqui deinde animo et submitti genu coepit,

    Curt. 4, 6, 20: repente animo linqui solebat, Suet. Caes. 45:

    ad recreandos defectos animo puleio,

    Plin. 20, 14, 54, § 152.—
    The conscience, in mal. part. (v. conscientia, II. B. 2. b.):

    cum conscius ipse animus se remordet,

    Lucr. 4, 1135:

    quos conscius animus exagitabat,

    Sall. C. 14, 3:

    suae malae cogitationes conscientiaeque animi terrent,

    Cic. Sex. Rosc. 67.—
    In Plaut. very freq., and once also in Cic., meton. for judicium, sententia, opinion, judgment; mostly meo quidem animo or meo animo, according to my mind, in my opinion, Plaut. Men. 1, 3, 17:

    e meo quidem animo aliquanto facias rectius, si, etc.,

    id. Aul. 3, 6, 3:

    meo quidem animo, hic tibi hodie evenit bonus,

    id. Bacch. 1, 1, 69; so id. Aul. 3, 5, 4; id. Curc. 4, 2, 28; id. Bacch. 3, 2, 10; id. Ep. 1, 2, 8; id. Poen. 1, 2, 23; id. Rud. 4, 4, 94; Cic. Sest. 22:

    edepol lenones meo animo novisti,

    Plaut. Curc. 4, 2, 19:

    nisi, ut meus est animus, fieri non posse arbitror,

    id. Cist. 1, 1, 5 (cf.:


    Inscr. Orell. 3665:

    ex animi tui sententia,

    Cic. Off. 3, 29, 108).—
    The imagination, the fancy (for which Cic. often uses cogitatio, as Ac. 2, 15, 48):

    cerno animo sepultam patriam, miseros atque insepultos acervos civium,

    Cic. Cat. 4, 6, 11:

    fingere animo jubebat aliquem etc.,

    id. Sen. 12, 41: Fingite animis;

    litterae enim sunt cogitationes nostrae, et quae volunt, sic intuentur, ut ea cernimus, quae videmus,

    id. Mil. 29, 79:

    Nihil animo videre poterant,

    id. Tusc. 1, 16, 38.—
    The power of feeling, the sensibility, the heart, the feelings, affections, inclinations, disposition, passions (either honorable or base; syn.: sensus, adfectus, pectus, cor), ho thumos.
    a.. In gen., heart, soul, spirit, feeling, inclination, affection, passion: Medea, animo aegra, amore saevo saucia, Enn. ap. Auct. ad Her. 2, 22 (cf. Plaut. Truc. 2, 7, 36:

    animo hercle homo suo est miser): tu si animum vicisti potius quam animus te, est quod gaudeas, etc.,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 27 -29:

    harum scelera et lacrumae confictae dolis Redducunt animum aegrotum ad misericordiam,

    Ter. And. 3, 3, 27:

    Quo gemitu conversi animi (sunt),

    Verg. A. 2, 73:

    Hoc fletu concussi animi,

    id. ib. 9, 498;

    4, 310: animum offendere,

    Cic. Lig. 4; id. Deiot. 33; so Vulg. Gen. 26, 35.—Mens and animus are often conjoined and contrasted, mind and heart (cf. the Homeric kata phrena kai kata thumon, in mind and heart): mentem atque animum delectat suum, entertains his mind and delights his heart, Enn. ap. Gell. 19, 10:

    Satin tu sanus mentis aut animi tui?

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 4, 53:

    mala mens, malus animus,

    bad mind, bad heart, Ter. And. 1, 1, 137:

    animum et mentem meam ipsa cogitatione hominum excellentium conformabam,

    Cic. Arch. 6, 14:

    Nec vero corpori soli subveniendum est, sed menti atque animo multo magis,

    id. Sen. 11, 36:

    ut omnium mentes animosque perturbaret,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 39; 1, 21:

    Istuc mens animusque fert,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 14, 8:

    Stare Socrates dicitur tamquam quodam recessu mentis atque animi facto a corpore,

    Gell. 2, 1; 15, 2, 7.—

    And very rarely with this order inverted: Jam vero animum ipsum mentemque hominis, etc.,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 59, 147:

    mente animoque nobiscum agunt,

    Tac. G. 29:

    quem nobis animum, quas mentes imprecentur,

    id. H. 1, 84;

    and sometimes pleon. without such distinction: in primis regina quietum Accipit in Teucros animum mentemque benignam,

    a quiet mind and kindly heart, Verg. A. 1, 304; so,

    pravitas animi atque ingenii,

    Vell. 2, 112, 7 (for mens et animus, etc., in the sense of thought, used as a pleonasm, v. supra, II. A. 1.):

    Verum animus ubi semel se cupiditate devinxit mala, etc.,

    Ter. Heaut. 1, 2, 34:

    animus perturbatus et incitatus nec cohibere se potest, nec quo loco vult insistere,

    Cic. Tusc. 4, 18, 41:

    animum comprimit,

    id. ib. 2, 22, 53:

    animus alius ad alia vitia propensior,

    id. ib. 4, 37, 81; id. ad Q. Fr. 1, 1:

    sed quid ego hic animo lamentor,

    Enn. Ann. 6, 40:

    tremere animo,

    Cic. ad Q. Fr. 1, 1, 4:

    ingentes animo concipit iras,

    Ov. M. 1, 166:

    exsultare animo,

    id. ib. 6, 514.—So often ex animo, from the heart, from the bottom of one's heart, deeply, truly, sincerely:

    Paulum interesse censes ex animo omnia facias an de industria?

    from your heart or with some design, Ter. And. 4, 4, 55; id. Ad. 1, 1, 47:

    nisi quod tibi bene ex animo volo,

    id. Heaut. 5, 2, 6: verbum [p. 124] ex animo dicere, id. Eun. 1, 2, 95:

    sive ex animo id fit sive simulate,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 67, 168:

    majore studio magisve ex animo petere non possum,

    id. Fam. 11, 22:

    ex animo vereque diligi,

    id. ib. 9, 6, 2:

    ex animo dolere,

    Hor. A. P. 432:

    quae (gentes) dederunt terram meam sibi cum gaudio et toto corde et ex animo,

    Vulg. Ezech. 36, 5; ib. Eph. 6, 6; ib. 1 Pet. 5, 3.—And with gen.
    With verbs:

    Quid illam miseram animi excrucias?

    Plaut. Mil. 4, 2, 76; 4, 6, 65:

    Antipho me excruciat animi,

    Ter. Phorm. 1, 4, 10:

    discrucior animi,

    id. Ad. 4, 4, 1:

    in spe pendebit animi,

    id. Heaut. 4, 4, 5: juvenemque animi miserata repressit, pitying him in her heart, thumôi phileousa te kêdomenê te (Hom. Il. 1, 196), Verg. A. 10, 686.—
    With adjj.:

    aeger animi,

    Liv. 1, 58; 2, 36; 6, 10; Curt. 4, 3, 11; Tac. H. 3, 58:

    infelix animi,

    Verg. A. 4, 529:

    felix animi,

    Juv. 14, 159:

    victus animi,

    Verg. G. 4, 491:

    ferox animi,

    Tac. A. 1, 32:

    promptus animi,

    id. H. 2, 23:

    praestans animi,

    Verg. A. 12, 19:

    ingens animi,

    Tac. A. 1, 69 (for this gen. v. Ramsh. Gr. p. 323; Key, § 935; Wagner ad Plaut. Aul. v. 105; Draeger, Hist. Synt. I. p. 443).—
    Meton., disposition, character (so, often ingenium): nimis paene animo es Molli, Pac. ap. Cic. Tusc. 2, 21, 49:

    animo audaci proripit sese,

    Pac. Trag. Rel. p. 109 Rib.:

    petulans protervo, iracundo animo,

    Plaut. Bacch. 4, 3, 1; id. Truc. 4, 3, 1:

    ubi te vidi animo esse omisso (omisso = neglegenti, Don.),

    Ter. Heaut. 5, 2, 9; Cic. Fam. 2. 17 fin.:

    promptus animus vester,

    Vulg. 2 Cor. 9, 2: animis estis simplicibus et mansuetis nimium creditis unicuique, Auct. ad Her. 4, 37:

    eorum animi molles et aetate fluxi dolis haud difficulter capiebantur,

    Sall. C. 14, 5:

    Hecabe, Non oblita animorum, annorum oblita suorum,

    Ov. M. 13, 550:

    Nihil est tam angusti animi tamque parvi, quam amare divitias,

    Cic. Off. 1, 20, 68:

    sordidus atque animi parvi,

    Hor. S. 1, 2, 10; Vell. 2, 25, 3:

    Drusus animi fluxioris erat,

    Suet. Tib. 52.—
    In particular, some one specific emotion, inclination, or passion (honorable or base; in this signif., in the poets and prose writers, very freq. in the plur.). —
    Courage, spirit:

    ibi nostris animus additus est,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 94; cf. Ter. Heaut. 3, 2, 31; id. And. 2, 1, 33:

    deficiens animo maesto cum corde jacebat,

    Lucr. 6, 1232:

    virtute atque animo resistere,

    Cic. Fam. 5, 2, 8:

    fac animo magno fortique sis,

    id. ib. 6, 14 fin.:

    Cassio animus accessit, et Parthis timor injectus est,

    id. Att. 5, 20, 3:

    nostris animus augetur,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 70:

    mihi in dies magis animus accenditur,

    Sall. C. 20, 6; Cic. Att. 5, 18; Liv. 8, 19; 44, 29:

    Nunc demum redit animus,

    Tac. Agr. 3:

    bellica Pallas adest, Datque animos,

    Ov. M. 5, 47:

    pares annis animisque,

    id. ib. 7, 558:

    cecidere illis animique manusque,

    id. ib. 7, 347 (cf.:

    tela viris animusque cadunt,

    id. F. 3, 225) et saep.—Hence, bono animo esse or uti, to be of good courage, Varr. R. R. 2, 5, 5: Am. Bono animo es. So. Scin quam bono animo sim? Plaut. Am. 22, 39:

    In re mala animo si bono utare, adjuvat,

    id. Capt. 2, 1, 9:

    bono animo fac sis,

    Ter. Ad. 3, 5, 1:

    quin tu animo bono es,

    id. ib. 4, 2, 4:

    quare bono animo es,

    Cic. Att. 5, 18; so Vulg. 2 Macc. 11, 26; ib. Act. 18, 25;

    so also, satis animi,

    sufficient courage, Ov. M. 3, 559.—Also for hope:

    magnus mihi animus est, hodiernum diem initium libertatis fore,

    Tac. Agr, 30.— Trop., of the violent, stormy motion of the winds of AEolus:

    Aeolus mollitque animos et temperat iras,

    Verg. A. 1, 57.—Of a top:

    dant animos plagae,

    give it new force, quicker motion, Verg. A. 7, 383.—

    Of spirit in discourse: in Asinio Pollione et consilii et animi satis,

    Quint. 10, 1, 113. —
    Haughtiness, arrogance, pride: quae civitas est in Asia, quae unius tribuni militum animos ac spiritus capere possit? can bear the arrogance and pride, etc., Cic. Imp. Pomp. 22, 66:

    jam insolentiam noratis hominis: noratis animos ejus ac spiritus tribunicios,

    id. Clu. 39, 109; so id. Caecin. 11 al.; Ov. Tr. 5, 8, 3 (cf.:

    quia paululum vobis accessit pecuniae, Sublati animi sunt,

    Ter. Hec. 3, 5, 56).—
    Violent passion, vehemence, wrath:

    animum vincere, iracundiam cohibere, etc.,

    Cic. Marcell. 3:

    animum rege, qui nisi paret Imperat,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 2, 62:

    qui dominatur animo suo,

    Vulg. Prov. 16, 32.—So often in plur.; cf hoi thumoi: ego meos animos violentos meamque iram ex pectore jam promam, Plaut. Truc. 2, 7, 43:

    vince animos iramque tuam,

    Ov. H. 3, 85; id. M. 8, 583; Prop. 1, 5, 12:

    Parce tuis animis, vita, nocere tibi,

    id. 2, 5, 18:

    Sic longius aevum Destruit ingentes animos,

    Luc. 8, 28:

    coeunt sine more, sine arte, Tantum animis iraque,

    Stat. Th. 11, 525 al. —
    Moderation, patience, calmness, contentedness, in the phrase aequus animus, an even mind:

    si est animus aequos tibi,

    Plaut. Aul. 2, 2, 10; id. Rud. 2, 3, 71; Cic. Rosc. Am. 50, 145; and often in the abl., aequo animo, with even mind, patiently, etc.:

    aequo animo ferre,

    Ter. And. 2, 3, 23; Cic. Tusc. 1, 39, 93; id. Sen. 23, 84; Nep. Dion. 6, 4; Liv. 5, 39:

    aequo animo esse,

    Vulg. 3 Reg. 21, 7; ib. Judith, 7, 23: Aequo animo est? of merry heart (Gr. euthumei), ib. Jac. 5, 13:

    animis aequis remittere,

    Cic. Clu. 2, 6:

    aequiore animo successorem opperiri,

    Suet. Tib. 25:

    haud aequioribus animis audire,

    Liv. 23, 22: sapientissimus quisque aequissimo animo moritur; stultissimus iniquissimo. Cic. Sen. 23, 83; so id. Tusc. 1, 45, 109; Sall. C. 3, 2; Suet. Aug. 56:

    iniquo animo,

    Att. Trag. Rel. p. 150 Rib.; Cic. Tusc. 2, 2, 5; Quint. 11, 1, 66.—
    Agreeable feeling, pleasure, delight:

    cubat amans animo obsequens,

    Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 134:

    indulgent animis, et nulla quid utile cura est,

    Ov. M. 7, 566; so, esp. freq.: animi causa (in Plaut. once animi gratia), for the sake of amusement, diversion (cf.:

    haec (animalia) alunt animi voluptatisque causa,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 12):

    Post animi causa mihi navem faciam,

    Plaut. Rud. 4, 2, 27; so id. Trin. 2, 2, 53; id. Ep. 1, 1, 43:

    liberare fidicinam animi gratia,

    id. ib. 2, 2, 90:

    qui illud animi causa fecerit, hunc praedae causa quid facturum putabis?

    Cic. Phil. 7, 6:

    habet animi causa rus amoenum et suburbanum,

    id. Rosc. Am. 46 Matth.; cf. id. ib. § 134, and Madv. ad Cic. Fin. 2, 17, 56; Cic. Fam. 7, 2:

    Romanos in illis munitionibus animine causa cotidie exerceri putatis?

    Caes. B. G. 7, 77; Plin. praef. 17 Sill.—
    Disposition toward any one:

    hoc animo in nos esse debebis, ut etc.,

    Cic. Fam. 2, 1 fin.:

    meus animus erit in te semper, quem tu esse vis,

    id. ib. 5, 18 fin.:

    qui, quo animo inter nos simus, ignorant,

    id. ib. 3, 6; so id. ib. 4, 15;

    5, 2: In quo in primis quo quisque animo, studio, benevolentia fecerit, ponderandum est,

    id. Off. 1, 15, 49:

    quod (Allobroges) nondum bono animo in populum Romanum viderentur,

    to be well disposed, Caes. B. G. 1, 6 fin. —In the pregn. signif. of kind, friendly feeling, affection, kindness, liberality:

    animum fidemque praetorianorum erga se expertus est,

    Suet. Oth. 8:

    Nec non aurumque animusque Latino est,

    Verg. A. 12, 23.—Hence, meton., of a person who is loved, my heart, my soul:

    salve, anime mi,

    Plaut. Curc. 1, 2, 3:

    da, meus ocellus, mea rosa, mi anime, da, mea voluptas,

    id. As. 3, 3, 74; so id. ib. 5, 2, 90; id. Curc. 1, 3, 9; id. Bacch. 1, 1, 48; id. Most. 1, 4, 23; id. Men. 1, 3, 1; id. Mil. 4, 8, 20; id. Rud. 4, 8, 1; Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 15 et saep. —
    The power of willing, the will, inclination, desire, purpose, design, intention (syn.: voluntas, arbitrium, mens, consilium, propositum), hê boulêsis:

    qui rem publicam animo certo adjuverit,

    Att. Trag Rel. p. 182 Rib.:

    pro inperio tuo meum animum tibi servitutem servire aequom censui,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 23:

    Ex animique voluntate id procedere primum,

    goes forth at first from the inclination of the soul, Lucr. 2, 270; so,

    pro animi mei voluntate,

    Cic. Fam. 5, 20, 8 (v. Manut. ad h.l.):

    teneo, quid animi vostri super hac re siet,

    Plaut. Am. prol. 58; 1, 1, 187:

    Nam si semel tuom animum ille intellexerit, Prius proditurum te etc.,

    Ter. Heaut. 3, 1, 69:

    Prius quam tuom ut sese habeat animum ad nuptias perspexerit,

    id. And. 2, 3, 4:

    Sin aliter animus voster est, ego etc.,

    id. Ad. 3, 4, 46:

    Quid mi istaec narras? an quia non audisti, de hac re animus meus ut sit?

    id. Hec. 5, 2, 19:

    qui ab auro gazaque regia manus, oculos, animum cohibere possit,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 66:

    istum exheredare in animo habebat,

    id. Rosc. Am. 18, 52: nobis crat in animo Ciceronem ad Caesarem mittere, we had it in mind to send, etc., id. Fam. 14, 11; Serv. ad Cic. ib. 4, 12:

    hostes in foro constiterunt, hoc animo, ut, etc.,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 28:

    insurrexerunt uno animo in Paulum,

    with one mind, Vulg. Act. 18, 12; 19, 29: persequi Jugurtham animus ardebat, Sall. J. 39, 5 Gerlach (others, animo, as Dietsch); so id. de Rep. Ord. 1, 8: in nova fert an mus mutatas dicere formas, my mind inclines to tell of, etc., Ov. M. 1, 1.—Hence, est animus alicui, with inf., to have a mind for something, to aim at, etc.:

    omnibus unum Opprimere est animus,

    Ov. M. 5, 150:

    Sacra Jovi Stygio perficere est animus,

    Verg. A. 4, 639:

    Fuerat animus conjuratis corpus occisi in Tiberim trahere,

    Suet. Caes. 82 fin.; id. Oth. 6; cf. id. Calig. 56.—So, aliquid alicui in animo est, with inf., Tac. G. 3.—So, inducere in animum or animum, to resolve upon doing something; v. induco.—
    Trop., of the principle of life and activity in irrational objects, as in Engl. the word mind is used.
    Of brutes:

    in bestiis, quarum animi sunt rationis expertes,

    whose minds, Cic. Tusc. 1, 33, 80:

    Sunt bestiae, in quibus etiam animorum aliqua ex parte motus quosdam videmus,

    id. Fin. 5, 14, 38:

    ut non inscite illud dictum videatur in sue, animum illi pecudi datum pro sale, ne putisceret,

    id. ib. 5, 13, 38, ubi v. Madv.:

    (apes Ingentes animos angusto in pectore versant,

    Verg. G. 4, 83:

    Illiusque animos, qui multos perdidit unus, Sumite serpentis,

    Ov. M. 3, 544:

    cum pecudes pro regionis caelique statu et habitum corporis et ingenium animi et pili colorem gerant,

    Col. 6, 1, 1:

    Umbria (boves progenerat) vastos nec minus probabiles animis quam corporibus,

    id. 6, 1, 2 si equum ipsum nudum et solum corpus ejus et animum contemplamur, App. de Deo Socr. 23 (so sometimes mens:

    iniquae mentis asellus,

    Hor. S. 1, 9, 20).—
    Of plants:

    haec quoque Exuerint silvestrem animum, i. e. naturam, ingenium,

    their wild nature, Verg. G. 2, 51.—
    Transf. Of God or the gods, as we say, the Divine Mind, the Mind of God:

    certe et deum ipsum et divinum animum corpore liberatum cogitatione complecti possumus,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 22, 51 (so mens, of God, id. ib. 1, 22, 66; id. Ac. 2, 41, 126):

    Tantaene animis caelestibus irae?

    Verg. A. 1, 11.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > animus

  • 14 admit

    1. III
    1) admit smth. admit one's mistake (one's guilt, etc.) признавать свою ошибку и т. д., признаваться в своей ошибке и т. д.
    2) admit smth. admit an argument (a fact, etc.) соглашаться с доводом и т. д., признавать довод и т. д. убедительным; admit a hypothesis принять гипотезу; we said that he was wrong and he admitted it /as much/ мы сказали, что он неправ, и он с этим согласился; admit a claim law признавать претензию
    3) admit smb. admit employees (children, men, dogs, etc.) впускать служащих и т. д., разрешать вход служащим и т. д.; the old man opened the door and admitted me старик открыл дверь и впустил меня; this ticket admits one person по этому билету может пройти один человек; admit smth. admit light (air, water, etc.) пропускать свет и т. д.
    4) admit smb. admit girls (men, students, members, etc.) принимать девочек и т. д.; we shall admit only one hundred boys мы зачислим только сто мальчиков; the college does not admit women в этот колледж женщин не допускают /не принимают/
    5) admit smb., smth. admit many people (a very small audience, a great number of ships, ten cars, etc.) вменить много людей и т. д.; the theatre admits only 200 persons этот театр рассчитан только на двести человек; the stable admits only four horses в конюшне можно разместить только четырех лошадей; the harbour admits large liners (cargo boats, ships, etc.) в порт могут заходить большие лайнеры и т. д.; the passage admits two abreast по коридору рядом могут пройти только двое
    2. IV
    admit smth. in some manner
    1) admit smth. reluctantly (willingly, humbly, arrogantly, tacitly, laughingly, naively, etc.) неохотно /нехотя/ и т. д. признавать что-л. /признаваться в чем-л./
    2) admit smth. readily (formally, officially, lavishly, generously, etc.) охотно /с готовностью/ и т. д. соглашаться с чем-л.
    3) scarcely (hardly, freely, etc.) admit smth. скупо /едва/ и т. д. пропускать что-л.
    3. VII
    admit smth. to be smth. admit the task to be difficult (the statement to be true, the assertion to be groundless, the charge to be well founded, etc.) признавать задание сложным и т. д.; you must admit her statement to be doubtful вы должны согласиться с тем, что ее заявление сомнительно /не вызывает доверия/
    4. XI
    1) be admitted this much may be admitted это уж можно признать, с этим-то можно согласиться, это-то не вызывает сомнений
    2) be admitted ask for me and you will be admitted скажите, что вы ко мне, и вас пропустят /впустят/; I ordered that he was not to be admitted я распорядился, чтобы его не пропускали; children [are] not admitted дети не допускаются; dogs [are] not admitted с собаками вход воспрещен; be admitted to some place be admitted to the ball, (to the theatre, to the garden, etc.) иметь право пройти /право входа/ на бал и т. д.; we were admitted to the third performance нас (про-) пустили на третье представление
    3) be admitted to smth. only 100 boys are admitted to this school every year в эту школу ежегодно принимают только сто мальчиков; he was admitted to the university его приняли /он поступил/ в университет; the study was admitted into the university curriculum эту дисциплину включили в учебный план университета
    5. XIV
    admit doing smth. admit receiving your letter (having done wrong, etc.) признаваться, что получил ваше письмо и т.д.; I shall never admit knowing it я никогда не сознаюсь, что знал /знаю/ об этом; no one would admit having done it никто не признается, что он это сделал
    6. XVI
    1) admit to some place admit to the house (to the cellar, to the garden, etc.) вести /открывать путь/ в дом и т. д.; the key admits to the house при помощи ключа можно проникнуть в дом
    2) admit of smth. often in the negative book, not to admit of dispute (of explanation, of hesitation, etc.) не допускать спирав и т. д.; this word admits of по other meaning это слово не может иметь другого значения; the passage (the sentence) admits of several interpretations этот отрывок (это предложение) допускает несколько интерпретаций /можно толковать по-разному/; English adjectives do not admit of this change английские прилагательные так не изменяются; his evidence admits of no doubt его свидетельские показания не оставляют места для сомнений; this matter admits of no delay [это] дело не терпит отлагательства; his guilt is too apparent to admit of discussion его вина абсолютно очевидна
    7. XVII
    admit to doing smth., admit to having taken the money (to having misled the police, to wronging her, etc.) признаваться в том, что взял деньги и т. д.
    8. XVIII
    admit oneself as possessing some quality admit oneself beaten признавать себя побежденным; I admit myself confused признаюсь, я в растерянности; he admitted himself satisfied (pleased) он признался /сказал/, что удовлетворен (доволен)
    9. XXI1
    1) admit smth. to smb., admit the mistake to the teacher (one's guilt to the police, the loss of money to one's parents, etc,) признаваться учителю в своей ошибке и т. д.; I admitted to myself the truth of her criticism себе я признавался в том, что ее критика справедлива
    2) admit smb. (in)to (within) smth. admit a stranger into the house (the whole party into the place, the police into one's residence, the representatives of the press to, the gallery, the visitors within the fortification, etc.) впустить /пропустить/ незнакомца в дом и т. д.; admit smb. to a show (to a film, etc.) пропустить кого-л. на спектакль и т. д., the ticket admits you to one lecture билет дает вам право на посещение одной лекции; admit smb. to an examination допускать кого-л. к экзамену; admit smb. to one's friendship (into one's intimacy, etc.) book, делать кого-л. другом и т. д.; I don't think you should admit him to your confidence мне кажется, что с ним не следовало бы быть откровенным
    3) admit smb. (in)to smth. admit boys into school (talented man to the Royal Academy, women into college, new members to a club, children into the company of grown-ups, this country into the fellowship of European nations, etc.) принимать мальчиков в школу и т. д.
    10. XXIV2
    I admit the signature as my own я признаю эту подпись/, что это моя подпись/
    11. XXV
    admit that... admit that I was wrong (that he did it, that you used this expression, that I've been unfair to you, etc.) допускать /соглашаться с тем, признаваться в том/, что я был неправ и т. д.; I admit that you are right признаюсь), [что] вы правы; let's admit that you are right допустим, что вы правы; everybody admits that there is some measure of truth in it все признают, что в этом есть доля правды; it must be admitted-that..., следует признать, что...; it is generally (universally) admitted that... всеми признано (общепризнано), что... abs "I am wrong", he admitted "Я неправ",- признался он
    12. XXVII2
    admit to smb. that... I admitted to them that I knew nothing я признался им, что ничего не знаю

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > admit

  • 15 наиболее широко используемый

    This is the most-used single-lens reflex camera.

    Where mechanical or magnetic separation is not used, the process most generally (or universally, or extensively) employed is that known as wet gravity concentration.

    * * *
    Наиболее широко используемый
     This is the most widely utilized impact test for composites at present.
     Magnesium compounds are the most widely used oil ash modifiers.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > наиболее широко используемый

  • 16 Article 15

    1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation shall have the supreme juridical force, direct action and shall be used on the whole territory of the Russian Federation. Laws and other legal acts adopted in the Russian Federation shall not contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
    2. The bodies of state authority, the bodies of local self-government, officials, private citizens and their associations shall be obliged to observe the Constitution of the Russian Federation and laws. 3. Laws shall be officially published. Unpublished laws shall not be used. Any normative legal acts concerning human rights, freedoms and duties of man and citizen may not be used, if they are not officially published for general knowledge. 4. The universally-recognized norms of international law and international treaties and agreements of the Russian Federation shall be a component part of its legal system. If an international treaty or agreement of the Russian Federation fixes other rules than those envisaged by law, the rules of the international agreement shall be applied. __________ <На русском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (Russian)"]Статья 15[/ref]> <На немецком языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (German)"]Artikel 15[/ref]> <На французском языке см. [ref dict="The Constitution of Russia (French)"]Article 15[/ref]>

    The Constitution of Russia. English-Russian dictionary > Article 15

  • 17 Line

    The French line and universally used for the measurement of width of tapes, ribbons and textile smallwares. It is one-twelfth of the French inch and there are approximately eleven French lignes to the English inch. ———————— The fine long fibre of flax seperated from the tow, is made into " Line " yarns and spun up to 300 leas. " Tow " yarns are made from the waste and are thicker and more irregular than line. ———————— Originally a thread of flax, a small cord The twelfth part of an inch, but in denoting the size of pearl buttons is taken as the fortieth part of an inch. Such buttons are measured across the diameter to furnish their numerical value.

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > Line

  • 18 consume

    kənˈsju:m гл.
    1) истреблять, уничтожать( преим. об огне) (тж. consume away) The fire had consumed half the forest away before it was stopped. ≈ Прежде чем пожар потушили, сгорело пол-леса.
    2) перен.;
    преим. страд. поглощать, занимать( with) I feel like a fish in a tank and am consumed with a great wish to make faces at them. ≈ Я чувствовал себя как сельдь в бочке и испытывал страстное желание скорчить им рожу. Drake was consumed by the idea of sailing into the Pacific. ≈ Дрейк был весь поглощен идеей совершить плавание по Тихому океану. Syn: engross
    3) тратить, расточать (деньги), расходовать, тратить (материалы в процессе потребления, использования) The nervous force is consumed equally in mental and in bodily exertion. ≈ Нервная энергия расходуется как при умственном, так и при физическом напряжении. Syn: waste
    3., squander
    2., use up
    4) съедать, поглощать ( о еде) Syn: devour, swallow I
    2., eat up, drink up
    5) изнашивать The thin slippers universally used by the people are very soon consumed. ≈ Тонкие шлепанцы, которые все носят, быстро изнашиваются. Syn: wear out
    6) хиреть, чахнуть (часто consume away) Syn: decay
    2., rot
    2., perish истреблять, уничтожать - the fire *d the whole building пожар уничтожил все здание потреблять, расходовать - to * fuel расходовать горючее съедать, поедать, поглощать - he *d everything that was put before him он съел все, что было подано тратить. расточать - to * one's fortune промотать состояние - to * one's energies тратить энергию - arguing about details *d many hours of valuable time споры о мелочах съели много драгоченного времени преим. pass (with) снедать - to be *d быть снедаемым, быть охваченным - he is *d with hatred он охвачен ненавистью - he is *d with grief он удручен горем - he is *d with envy его терзает зависть - he is *d with curiosity он умирает от любопытства - to be *d with disire гореть желанием;
    пылать страстью чахнуть - to * away with grief чахнуть от горя average propensity to ~ полит.эк. средняя доля потребления в доходе propensity: average ~ to consume полит.эк. средняя склонность к потреблению consume (pass.) быть снедаемым (with) ;
    he is consumed with envy его гложет зависть ~ истреблять (об огне) ~ истреблять ~ потреблять;
    расходовать ~ потреблять ~ расточать (состояние, время) ~ расходовать ~ съедать;
    поглощать ~ тратить ~ чахнуть (часто consume away) consume (pass.) быть снедаемым (with) ;
    he is consumed with envy его гложет зависть

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > consume

  • 19 consume

    1) ( consume away) истреблять, уничтожать ( обычно об огне)

    The fire had consumed half the forest away before it was stopped. — Прежде чем пожар потушили, сгорело пол-леса.

    2) преим. страд. быть охваченным

    Drake was consumed by the idea of sailing into the Pacific. — Дрейк был весь поглощён идеей совершить плавание по Тихому океану.

    3) тратить, расточать ( деньги); расходовать, тратить (материалы в процессе потребления, использования)

    The nervous force is consumed equally in mental and in bodily exertion. — Нервная энергия расходуется как при умственном, так и при физическом напряжении.

    4) съедать, поглощать ( о еде)

    The thin slippers universally used by the people are very soon consumed. — Тонкие шлёпанцы, которые носят повсюду, быстро изнашиваются.

    wear I 1.
    6) ( consume away) хиреть, чахнуть
    decay 2., rot 2., perish

    Англо-русский современный словарь > consume

  • 20 Ligne

    The French line and universally used for the measurement of width of tapes, ribbons and textile smallwares. It is one-twelfth of the French inch and there are approximately eleven French lignes to the English inch.

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > Ligne

См. также в других словарях:

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  • folk music — 1. music, usually of simple character and anonymous authorship, handed down among the common people by oral tradition. 2. music by known composers that has become part of the folk tradition of a country or region. [1885 90] * * * Music held to be …   Universalium

  • pipeline — /puyp luyn /, n., v., pipelined, pipelining. n. 1. a long tubular conduit or series of pipes, often underground, with pumps and valves for flow control, used to transport crude oil, natural gas, water, etc., esp. over great distances. 2. a route …   Universalium

  • Standards organization — A standards organization, standards body, standards development organization or SDO is any entity whose primary activities are developing, coordinating, promulgating, revising, amending, reissuing, interpreting, or otherwise maintaining standards …   Wikipedia

  • LTL — The currency code for the Lithuanian litas, the currency of the Baltic country of Lithuania. The Lithuanian litas (LTL) is subdivided into 100 centas. The Bank of Lithuania mints coins in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 centas, and 1, 2… …   Investment dictionary

  • volt — volt1 /vohlt/, n. Elect. the SI unit of potential difference and electromotive force, formally defined to be the difference of electric potential between two points of a conductor carrying a constant current of one ampere, when the power… …   Universalium

  • Falsifiability — Are all swans white? Falsifiability or refutability of an assertion, hypothesis or theory is the logical possibility that it can be contradicted by an observation or the outcome of a physical experiment. That something is falsifiable does not… …   Wikipedia

  • logic, history of — Introduction       the history of the discipline from its origins among the ancient Greeks to the present time. Origins of logic in the West Precursors of ancient logic       There was a medieval tradition according to which the Greek philosopher …   Universalium

  • Method of analytic tableaux — A graphical representation of a partially built propositional tableau In proof theory, the semantic tableau (or truth tree) is a decision procedure for sentential and related logics, and a proof procedure for formulas of first order logic. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Judaism — /jooh dee iz euhm, day , deuh /, n. 1. the monotheistic religion of the Jews, having its ethical, ceremonial, and legal foundation in the precepts of the Old Testament and in the teachings and commentaries of the rabbis as found chiefly in the… …   Universalium

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